Sunday, August 8, 2004


Living in Florida, seeing the coverage of the terrible murders in Orlando makes my heart weep.  I'm still shaking my head asking Why?  A stupid X-box?  Six horribly dead - four with their lives come to a dead stop over a game?

People in the chat rooms are dissecting the people involved and making poisonous statements based on race, I just don't believe that.  I can't understand it, how can someone talk another person into beating someone else to death....rev them up until they go berserker?

I know that under pressure, such as a battle in wartime..the adrenaline levels can cause men to overreact in a kill zone but a stupid X-Box?  Or did four psychopaths just happen to become friends knowing they could count on each other to kill with no remorse?

Watching the news you could see the pain in the face of the lead officer as he spoke to the newsmen...he stated that he had never seen anything as bad as this crime and he hoped that he never would again.

Say a prayer for the families left behind.  Say a prayer for ourselves to give us the strength to deal with these criminals.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl, i know what you anyone can brutally kill another human is unfathomable.  And yet we see more and more of it every day as conscience takes absence and coldness takes over.

prayers for all of us,
