Thursday, November 15, 2007

Some Extra Pictures

A Hint of Summer's End

Well, our lovely male Peacock seems to have disappeared.  In his place, we now have an assortment of female hens, and very young males.  Perhaps he did his duty and decided to skip out while the getting was good?  Or did he wound up Sunday dinner in a "crackers" house?  My old employer used to tell me that the old timers down here in Florida used to eat these birds and fix them just like turkey's.

Our property is very wild, overgrown and we like it that way.  It is a touch of the old Florida...wildlife likes it too.  We have so many visitors from herons to opossums.  Each is lovely to watch and learn from.  I overheard my neighbor the other day saying that he had seen this awfully large creature near the back of this property...he also said that if he had gun he would of shot it! Why? Just because it was there? It was violent or attacking him or his family...I do not understand people.  It had to be the opossum that he was talking about too.

Our original neighborhood peacock was around for years, replaced by Junior who you see pictured above.  He's been around for about two years, now he's gone only to be replaced by others.  Junior was the friendliest one though, he actually followed me into my house looking for more cabbage leaves.  He would come up to the door and I swear to God...Knock with his beak.  As if to say, " in there...get busy...I'm here in all my glory feed me".  No one would believe me about the knocking, until he did it one day with hubby sitting right there.  I got a "holy crap you were right"...yes, dear remember I am always right! LOL.  

Anyway, I miss Junior.