Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well Life Is Full Of Surprises

Well I was going to write all about the corsages that my sister & I are going to make and sell on Ebay....but first I think I need to rant a little bit.

Last night I was doing a search for something on Ask Jeeves and lo and behold...I see something that looks so familiar.  Hey, it's one of my stories that I had put on here last Halloween...this guy evidently needed a story to show his blogging group and just used mine.  He very nicely deleted my name at the know...the written by part.

The feedback was good but it was strange to read it as it was directed towards the interloper.

I know you are not supposed steal band-width taking pictures without downloading to your own hard drive....what is the correct on line etiquette with regards to words? stories? poems? Can someone just take them and do what they want?

I've had some people ask me if they could use something I had written for a specific purpose and I gladly gave them permission.  Has anyone else had this problem? I'd like to know how others have dealt with it.  Enough ranting...on to better things.....

My sister and I have decided to bring back a little bit of the fifties/sixties.  It used to be the custom for the parents or an Aunt to give a girl a special corsage signifying a certain age.

Do you remember the 50's?  Well, there was one tradition that thrilled a young girls heart....a very special corsage made just for her and her alone to show the world that this was a very wonderful day for her.

Now this was not just any corsage, filled with flowers or such.  No, it was geared to the age of the girl...certain items were attributed to certain ages as per the following list:

10th birthday - lollipops
11th birthday - gum drops
12th birthday - tootsie rolls
13th birthday - bubble gum
14th birthday - dog biscuits
15th birthday - life savers
16th birthday - sugar cubes
17th birthday - lemon drops
18th birthday - cigarettes

Because, in this age, we do not want to promote smoking...we would exchange the cigarettes for cinnamon candy...

The corsage that we are listing today is for a thirteen year old...handmade with 13 pieces of Bazooka Bubble Gum attached to the corsage, complimented by white & blue tulle and sheer ribbons...all hand wrapped to perfection.

This is a perfect gift for a young girl, something for her to make a memory of and to make her feel "special" on her day.

We feel good bringing back some of the values that were the fifties.  We are also showing a picture of the "sweet 16" sugar cube corsage...really pretty.

I'm going to be listing these corsages in my Ebay Store also...please know that we can make anything on that list. We are also coming up with ideas for the younger girls...using such things as gummy bears, gummy worms etc., candies that weren't around in the fifties.  If there is anything of special interest to you please just email me and I will get back to you.

Anyway that's what we have been doing and it's kind of fun.  I can remember receiving several of the corsages as I was growing up..I think it would be nice to bring back some of the older traditions, don't you?


Ps..Ebay Store is


Friday, June 24, 2005

One Word

Please leave a one word comment that you think best describes me.

It can only be one word.  No more.

Then copy and paste this into your journal so that I may leave a word about you...

Don't forget to leave your journal link.

Taken from JCole

I got this from Lahoma's's neat.........Sandi

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Just going to test if this will work...

Adopt-a-Spot at!

Little by little I'm learning...who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Figured the green would go along with my last entry...I'm picking up all kinds of things at Myspace...I'm probably one of the oldest ones on there but it is a neat site...teaching me things anyway....Sandi

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Judith's Artsy June Contest

Of all the colors in all creation...Green has to be my favorite one of all.  Without green there wouldn't be any flowers, foliage, trees, veggies, the air that we contains all the magic of the world in it's color... I wrote the following poem for Earth Day, but I think it fits for this contest and explains my feelings perfectly on the color GREEN....

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Dew drops in the morning mist appear to shimmer
captured exquisitely on a spider's spun web
Prisms of light dance in the sunlight that shows through
Sparkling diamond like across the lush growth as if
painted by glimmer.

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Little gray green frogs playing hopscotch on
the fallen tree limbs
A baby Opposum has lost it's way...seeking
safe haven in my green heaven
Creatures big and small are drawn into my
little world of green only on a whim
Little green Lizards lie lazily in the sun's heat
As a little feral black cat tries to play cat and mouse
almost by my feet.

My friend the Peacock suddenly strolls by
causing the little cat to jump and fly
A Bluebird lands on a hanging basket, looking
for worms it seems.
Butterflies flit in and out - my little green haven
with life just teems.

I sit in meditation surrounded by nature's glorious beauty
Relaxed, refreshed beyond all imaginings....
Thank you Mother Earth.

This entry is for Judith's June Artsy Contest at:




Monday, June 13, 2005

Red Red and more Red...let it be Red....

Figured I'd write in Red to celebrate Red.  The picture above is a brillant red Coleus that my hubby has been growing...the picture doesn't do it person it takes your breathe away...just so pretty!   I did add in a picture of "Big Red" his truck, which he thinks is beautiful...and a really gorgeous red silk kimono that just screams to be softly touched. Oops almost forgot the Crown of Thorns that we grow with it's pretty red flowers against the greenery and terrible thorns.   Sandi

Saturday, June 4, 2005

test only

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