Saturday, November 19, 2005

Once Again Into The Fray

PLEASE DO NOT BUY/USE ANY PRODUCTS THAT ARE ON THE ABOVE ROTTEN BANNER AD..AND PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS TOO...THANKS.   Well, a fire breathing Dragon might have better luck getting through to the powers that be at AOL.   If nothing else, a well placed breath of fire might be an incentive to bargain.

I know from reading the board, and the great article that Dornbrau found that "we" are really not customers of AOL, at least in their minds. We having signed on the perverbial dotted line became unknowingly victims, errr "members" of an elite duped group.  This group believed that paying for a service, meant a service would  be rendered as per what was shown to be expected in the beginning. 

Not realizing that this was a "growing" period for said company...complete with beta programs, more willing vic..err..members were found to participate, this only increased what AOL was able to offer.  Not the first in history that someone has actually built the coffin that they are buried in. Helpful bunch, weren't we?  Newbies on the block? Hell...yes we'll help them...tell them J-land is a great place to be, wonderful community, great people...great journals. Made us feel like a crock of crap....

Oh, I just had a wonderful thought...I have an Ebay Store...I think I need to advertise over there too......











This will not switch back now...tried to put another picture up there that Lahoma made couldn't get it to work....gremlins...

There it goes...just a bit smaller.  Wow, we had quite an exodus from J-land..that's very sad.  I cannot for the life of me understand how people can be so miserable as the higher ups at AOL.  For several years now they have done everything they could to try to improve, build up readership...a community spirit if you will.  In one fell swipe they have destroyed several years work and any creditability that AOL had.

I keep on hoping that there will be someone who realizes what a fiasco they have created and will correct this situation.  You have to remember that all the people who left have not stopped bad mouthing AOL....IT WILL EVENTUALLY AFFECT YOUR BOTTOM LINE - even if it takes a while for it to happen....I think Google, and all the rest of the BIG kids on the block are watching you very closely right now.  Can you feel their breath on your back?

If I could do a little "real magic" right now....I would point my magic wand and the dunce who thought this plan up would be sitting in a corner facing the wall wearing a duncecap! 

I also am sending letters of complaint to every ad sponsor, making them aware of the awful fiasco that AOL has created by ignoring the needs/wants of it's paying customers.  I do not think that they will be too happy to part with their advertising dollars...on a lost cause. DO YOU?










Thursday, November 17, 2005

Has AOL Lost It's Mind???

Lord Love A Duck....see the hand waving "Goodbye"??? Too many of the journalist's that I admire, that I read, that I LOVE are leaving!!

I think the executives who came up with this advertising ploy had best refigure what they are going to gain from this.  Customer satisfaction is a valuable commodity and right now you have about 99.99% of J-Land mightily pissed off!

I can understand that AOL needs capital to work it's wonders...however, in this will be the loser.  Every single journaler who is forced to leave will bad mouth AOL at any given situation.  This is a public relations nightmare!

I like peace, I like harmony....I would give you this scenario...grandfather in the existing journals, do not touch them - anything that was created before November 2005 would be grandfathered in and not have banner ads on them.  Anyone starting a new journal would, including anyone who is adding a new journal to their portfolio.

I believe this would work, I also believe that the older journalers who stuck with AOL through thick & thin would agree with this.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005


This seems to be my week to rant....I swear I don't look for these things, they fly in my face...

It seems that several major cities that have passed no smoking bans in bars, restraunts, office buildings, public buildings etc., are not totally happy with their successes.

The moral right has now decided that the outside air should be "smoke free" along certain beaches, parks and now 10 to 25 feet away from whatever structure bans smoking.  Smokers are being hounded worse than the drug pushers.

When I was teen I remember watching a movie that showed books being burnt because they had "wrong information" inside of them, people being watched constantly at home by their TV's and I remember an old lady hiding in a car in a junk yard trying to smoke a she wouldn't be caught.  I don't know if this was The Big Brother movie or just made such an impression on me.   I fear it's all coming true.

I don't smoke.  I did. I stopped. Myself. When I was ready to.  Granted smoking is bad, but so are a lot of things that people do.  Why not regulate people jumping out of perfectly good airplanes? So many die each year...if you (the righteous right) stop them -wow- you'd be saving lives.  Oh, rock climbing is pretty dangerous too, as is scuba diving, jet skis too - boy, I could keep you guys busy for a year.

I'm totally pissed. How dare these people presume to dictate how we all should live? If the "silent majority" doesn't speak up...our rights, our freedoms will be gone.  Even the right just to be.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

American Girl

Sometimes I cannot believe what I read in the news.  This is one of those times.  We have a very large pro-life organization calling for a national boycott of the beloved American Girl Doll.

Why? Well, it seems the little hellion is up to no good.  Evidently she's been sneaking out to play with her Lesbian & Gay friends, shunning abstinance-only programs and the biggest horror of all.....supporting pro-choice.

Just where has she been hanging out? Well, that hell raising corner of Girls, Inc.   I, mean, my goodness to golly..what will happen next?  They are even selling bracelets that give these little girls the will to actually say  "I Can".

We know where that will lead, don't we.

Poor Barbie with all her tatoo's lost, but then again we all know that Barbie really is a bimbo...everyone on the right side knows that.

I guess the trio of evil should beware...The American Girl Doll, Girl's Inc., and Mattel. 

Hey, you guys, have you investigated The Boy's Club lately?  Huh, huh...inquiring minds want to know....oh, I forgot...the little boy's club becomes the big Boy's Club - no room for girls.

Hey, ladies anyone got a good size hammer for that glass ceiling?