Monday, January 22, 2007

Movie News- Angelina Has Sudden Fall From Grace - AOL News

Movie News- Angelina Has Sudden Fall From Grace - AOL News :

Wow, they talk about slanted view points in the news...this reporter really, really dislikes Angelina I would think.  I watched the show, saw the interview....boy, never did I think that telling someone that you gave your kids cereal for breakfast would lead to a sudden downfall. Wow....ok, Mom's out there be careful, very careful - only admit to eggs and bacon!   This reporter needs something real to write about poor girl.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Homework Assignment New York New York

I believe the graphic says alot.  New Yorkers are a special breed, especially the ones from Brooklyn and Queens.  Rules don't apply well and really were meant to be bent or broken depending on the situation you find yourself in. I think that's why the Mafia was able to have such a long run in history there too.

I do believe that most New Yorkers develop an "edge" to their personality.  They are very direct, don't beat around the bush..and expect you to move along with the same momentum as the rest of the people on the streets.

Since moving down here I have "slowed down" to what I believe is a crawl and I do miss the days of running for the subway, rushing for the elevator....yelling for a cab.  Boy, everybody in New York should be skinny from all the rushing.

If you have a New Yorker for a friend you really have a good friend.....friends and family that's all there is folks.

New Yorkers have been criticized for being out spoken, but why the hell shouldn't we be?  Any rules to this?  I don't think so.  If something affects me or mine I certainly can rant about it, along with the other 12 million in the city....LOL....I miss it, I am so looking forward to my next trip up there.  I guess I need a "New York" infusion every so often.....memories...