Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to reflect, remember, honor our present and past warriors.  We've come a long way since the sign above was posted on a Norfolk, Virginia lawn.  I can remember growing up and having my Grandma tell me stories of how rowdy the sailors were when they came into the port of Norfolk. In all my youthful innocence I just shook my head and agreed with her.  Grandma Lee had told me about the lawn signs and I had never seen one until a few months was for sale on of all things..Ebay!

But it made me stop and think.  Imagine being 18 or l9 full of piss and vinegar, taught how to fight, survive, knowing you are going into battle...and you are told to "stay off the damn grass?"  The temptation to run barefoot through that grass would of been all consuming till mission accomplished. are to risk your life to preserve home, Mom and apple pie...but stay off the grass! Unbelievable.

Well, fast forward sixty-five years and at least our troops are getting the attention they deserve.  Our boys and girls are over there fighting for us, whether we agree with how they were sent, or who they were sent by.  Wishing they could all just be safe and out of harm's way till they plant their feet firmly on American soil once again.

Love and respect all you guys.......


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dreams and such stuff that dreams are made of...

We just celebrated a small farewell dinner at my sister's new house to say goodbye to my youngest son and his girlfriend. They are going to be driving cross country, actually from the lowest part of the US to the upper Northwestern tip...heck throw a stone and I think you can hit Canada up there!

I have to make myself remember how I felt when I left the states for Japan, a totally radical adventure in those days. Yet, I was all for it - young, full of life and wanting to see everything, feel everything.  So, as I look my young son in his eyes I see the wanderlust there, I do know it well. A deep  yearning within for something different, a need to know what's over the horizon.  I guess that's what the pioneers felt too.

I looked at Joe and Holly so much ahead of them, so many adventures, roads to travel down...and I have to be happy for them.   Even though my heart is breaking.

My son's answer to me is "Move too...come on up there", easier said than done.  Yes, I'm playing the age' s hard to start over in your mid sixties.  Although, it may come to that.

After all I really hate Florida, the humidity arrived yesterday with a bit of rain. The trick will be to get hubby to travel out west...I think once he got a look at the majestic mountains, the winding river, especially the Columbia and the good, dark, rich soil as a gardener he would probably freak.

My sister lives up near Portland so the kids will have someone there for moral support, which is great. She's letting them stay with her until they get an apartment. I appreciate it so much I would be a bit more frantic without her & her hubby's involvement. 

I think they are going to have fun getting out there, even with the high cost of gas. So many states to travel through and they are planning on taking their time. That way they can sight see too.   I think triple A is plotting a course for them.

It will be the first time in forty-three years that I haven't at least had a child of mine in the same state as I was. Oh, well I know I will adjust.....

just testing

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Ode to Green

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Dew drops in the morning mist appear to shimmer
captured exquisitely on a spider's spun web
Prisms of light dance in the sunlight that shows through
Sparkling diamond like across the lush growth as if
painted by glimmer.

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Little gray green frogs playing hopscotch on
the fallen tree limbs
A baby Opposum has lost it's way...seeking
safe haven in my green heaven
Creatures big and small are drawn into my
little world of green only on a whim
Little green Lizards lie lazily in the sun's heat
As a little feral black cat tries to play cat and mouse
almost by my feet.

My friend the Peacock suddenly strolls by
causing the little cat to jump and fly
A Bluebird lands on a hanging basket, looking
for worms it seems.
Butterflies flit in and out - my little green haven
with life just teems.

I sit in meditation surrounded by nature's glorious beauty
Relaxed, refreshed beyond all imaginings....
Thank you Mother Earth.



Monday, May 12, 2008

Super Delegates

We walk a fine line in defense of our country, yearning for peace but ready to fight.

The following is a letter that I sent to my State's non committed Super Delegates...

Dear Super Delegate,
I am writing to you with the hope that I can persuade you to cast your vote for Hillary Clinton.  I've been voting for forty-six a Republican. But, not this year.  I'm going to be a cross over voter and I believe there are a lot of us out there. My own father, at 91, changed his registration from Republican to Democrat because he felt so strongly for Hillary.  Can you imagine how many disenfranchised Republicans are out there? This upcoming election is going to be one to watch.
 This year is different, our country needs determined, knowledgeable leadership. We face such awful economic problems something has to change. Too many good people are hurting we need someone who does care.  Someone who has been fine tuned and weathered the slings that politics can throw at one. That person is Hillary.
We need to regain the respect of the world and conduct ourselves with proper diplomacy, yet still showing our steely strength of resolve.  Hillary has been through the fire only to come out stronger.
I believe Senator Obama is a fine person and will be an excellent politician but he needs growth and experience in so many areas. Now is not the time to use an untried novice as our helmsman.  I personally would favor a Clinton/Obama ticket...if that could ever happen the election would be in the bag!
I know the race is close and it may come down to your vote being the one to make the difference.  Please consider what I have said today and I appreciate your time and effort in this race.
                                                   Sandra Lee Doscher


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Voting...what gives?



I am just so turned off by politics right now...disgusted actually.  Here we are in a country that fought for it's freedom only a short few hundred years ago, people died to give us the right to vote, to have a say, to keep the government for the people by the people.

So what happens today?  In a state that has over EIGHT MILLION people...guess how many voted.  Under 200,000, well under. Maybe we don't deserve to have out votes count anyway...we are giving out freedom away.  What is it that people are thinking? Oh, it's only the primary? I'll vote when it's the "real" election? Horsecrap people.

I can remember being 17 and not able to vote for Barry Goldwater...I campaigned for him anyway.  I wad thrilled when I got my first voters card, and the feeling of casting my first vote left a pit in my stomach that I can still recall today. Has that feeling gone from America?

If anyone has a right to feel jaded about elections it is "us" here in Florida.  We have been abused for the last eight years and it's still continuing to this day. Not allowing our votes to count in this primary is a smack in the face to every voter in my state.  Yes, I know the story that the Republication Party and our dear Governor actually prodded the vote for the earlier primary date knowing it would cause havoc within the Democratic Party for their nominations..  But, the Democratic Party COULD HAVE overlooked this whole fiasco and let the vote stand....but NO they are going right along and punishing our Dems here for something they really didn't push. 

I tell you what I never thought that I would ever be as disappointed in being an American as I am right now.  This whole debacle shows such a horrid face to the rest of the world, so then once again we are the laughing stock of the world. 

My family came to these shores in the early 1700's, my forefathers fought in the Revolution, The Civil War, World War I and World War II, some of my relatives made a career out of serving.  I think if they were here today, they would hand their heads and weep.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sad Day



 Horse racing has always meant a lot to my family. My Dad spent most of his life involved with horses, in one way or another.  He holds the distinction for being the only person to break both Seabiscuit and War Admiral. Of course, back then, he didn't realize that it was anything special .. he was just doing his job.

Derby Day was always special.  When we finally bought a small TV and were able to view the race on, you would of thought it was better than walking on the moon!

Some years we have placed bets, especially when there was an up and coming non favorite that we actually liked.

Eight Belles was such a horse.  The only filly in the bunch..last few races, ran so well she was lengths ahead of the rest of the "guys". I was impressed by her lineage...she was a granddaughter of Northern Dancer - genes do matter especially in racing.  She had a terrific post position.

I did not bet on her, but would of if I had been able to get to Derby Lane. 

Of all the days to do it, I lost track of time, got involved with working outside and the race was over before I knew it.

I turned to the internet and what to my horror did I see? Eight Belles humanely put down, breaks legs at end of race...OMG...and she placed second...she made it to the wire.

How awful, for her to come so far and have it end so suddenly. I know there is a place in Heaven for all God's well lovely beauty....

Friday, May 2, 2008

Another May

Forty years? Heck try forty-three and it's never I wasn't someone's Mother I think I would melt like that old witch that Judy Garland threw the water on...."Help me, help me..I'm melting...melting..."

Anyway hope everyone has a great Mom's Day, everyone deserves that...