Friday, July 29, 2005

A bit of Nastiness

The Art of Being Nasty

Some people plan and scheme
Everything bad is what they dream
Plots run rampant through their brains
Looking for dark clouds to bring on the rains

To achieve their ends by all means
They lay awake night after night..scheming
Never has any good come from their plans
As they leave their evil plots all over the land.

They awake each morning, not knowing
who they shall be
They come on line and pen their poison
just to confuse you and me

Be good, behave yourself we are told
Can we protest but a bit?  Can I not be a little bold?
Opinions can sometimes be over rated
Stopping the flow of genuine words & thoughts
should be negated.

That we should laugh and play, have our say
brings the gremlins out of the mist into our day
No! No! No! I'll have none of this....confusion
should rule o'er the lands I will make my day!

Oops! Swipe at a zooming fly...flys in low to buzz your
head.....whack it at once - make sure it's dead!
Wow...was it a real fly? Or a manufactured SPY?
I always tell the truth.....why lie?


Point of information needed:  Does anyone know how one's computer picks up a spy program called   "Advanced Keylogger"?  And can you track it back to it's source?  I'd really like to know.



Sunday, July 24, 2005

Life Is Definitely Full Of Surprises

I look at the faces of my past wondering how everything flew by so furiously and fast.  Grown ups used to tell me "slow down, enjoy your youth!"  Did I listen? No...I was in a terrible rush to gain the vision of adulthood.

I can remember as a young near teen watching my folks, my Aunts and Uncle's getting ready to leave for a night out of I stood on that staircase, my reflection glaring back at me in the mirror above Grandma's fireplace, I was so jealous of the good times that I was missing because I was too young.

Little did I know then that by the time I would be of age to participate...the good times would be gone.  What I wanted in my childhood could not be garnered in my adulthood, no matter how hard I tried.   For I learned a bitter lesson, the people that we love most for one reason or another pass from us as quickly as the morning dew dries on the leaves as the sun draws high, or so it seems.

Just a moment in time...our lives seem to be so fleeting almost as a grain of sand quickly flowing through the hourglass of time. 

The pictures above are of my high school John Adams, Queens New was a large school, it won awards in it's day for it's excellence. We used to line up by the doors on the side street, standing there shivering in the cold. Heavily wrapped in our winter overcoats, complete with the required head scarfs - heaven help us if the wind touched your do! If you look closely I am the fourth person on the steps, the guy in back of me was a teacher.  Ye gads, I had a beehive of a hairdo!  Those were the days my friends!

The third picture really really brings back memories.  Jimmy, my then boyfriend, is in the plaid shirt, I'm standing in front of him looking at the picture friend Louise is staring back too....I even remember ordering a Baloney & Cheese Sandwich w/mayo on a hard roll....

My stroll back into memory lane really began because of the website Classmates...Iwas browsing my graduating class and found these pictures on line! I know I have them in my year book somewhere....but lord you never know what you will find on line!

I also made a reconnection to a girlfriend that I had lost touch with for over forty years...we spoke this past Saturday and I remembered her voice - she sounded the same.  Hopefully, when I visit back home again this year we can pick up the pieces of our friendship and hopefully laugh at the way life has surprised us.


Saturday, July 9, 2005

Hurricane Body: Well, we definitely know that summer is here. Here, in Florida we are getting early storms....this is a really early Hurricane...we normally tend to get them later in the season when the Gulf waters are warmer. We lost power this morning due to a tornado touching down quite near to where I live....I slept through the whole time to panic I was out of it! Now it seems that more bands will be marching through bringing fierce winds & heavy rains...even though we will not be hit full force by this little monster it still packs a whallop.

I'm just hoping that this is not a forerunner of events to come..last year was so totally ridculous the number of storms that hit this state. The Tampa Bay area was on so many alerts my head was spinning...people had their windows taped, boarded up - survival supplies on hand throughout our entire summer last year.

Then I hear a newscast this morning that in the 1960's they had a special program in place to test whether "seeding" the air inside a starting hurricane would reduce the destructiveness of the storm....well, they did two storms and they were not as destructive as they should of wouldn't you think they would delve into this program more? Oh, no...our great leaders that were, and our great leaders today...buckled to the complaints of Castro (yes, Castro) who said that we were able to direct the storms to hit HIS island..(shades of Dr. No!) and complaints from Mexico - their government complained that our doing the "seeding" reducing the strength of the hurricances would cause Mexico not to get their SHARE OF THE RAIN!!

I can remember hearing about this program when I was a lot younger...but didn't pay much the time I thought "Cool! What if they could do this?" When I heard no more about it I figured that the program was a failure and no one can really even attempt to control Mother Nature's forces. Now, so many years later I learn that was not the case. They could not PROVE that it was their "seeding" efforts that caused the two storms to grow smaller...and due to the disgruntled diplomatic ties we totally caved. Totally wrong.

Makes me question how many other "projects" were started, getting some results and "pulled" due to outside objections. Meanwhile, if we dare to even say something out of context about any other country we are villified

Homework Assignment-Best Worst Movie

My worst favorite movie has got to be "Delivery Boys" was produced in the mid l980's and was one of Mario Van Peeples first films.

The reason I like it is that my son Kenji did all the artwork for the background where the dancers do the break dancing and he also performed a robotic dance under the Manhattan's wonderful to go back and see him as an earnest 17 year old dancing his heart out.

The movie itself is extremely weird with some truly humorous moments and some that are a bit off color.  I had lost my copy of this movie when we moved somehow, so I recently found a copy of it on you know that I bought it!

It basically is a story of all the delivery boys who work for this one pizzeria and all the pitfalls/getting lucky things that happen to them trying to do their jobs.  As a sideline all the delivery boys dance in a break dance group against rival groups...this movie is leading up to the final challenge with one group trying to mess the other group up so they can't perform in the challenge.

Of course my favorite line in the movie is "Oh, how about that kid, Kenji, he's a great dancer...can we get him?"

My son, at his young age, was so excited to be doing his artwork and dancing for a movie! He also enjoyed making a great salary for his summer off from school. 

So you see, this has to be my best loved worst movie of all times.

Monday, July 4, 2005


Never could understand why the hell someone drinks themselves stupid! There is nothing under the sun that is attractive, a turn on, endearing or sexy about getting smashed...trashed...totalled..burnt...plastered...blistered...toasted..roasted...wiped...tipsy...plain out fall down drunk....only thing more stupid is to get in a f'ing car and attempt to drive.

Social drinking is makes you feel intermingle easier with the opposite sex...that's what it's all about......not shit-faced, pieyed, dumbass stupid loose your life stupid! 

When you reach a point that it controls you and you don't even remember who you are much less what you are need to stop!  Wrapping a car around an object is definitely not cool, walking away from it was a small miracle - I hope the reality of the situation has hit home to you...there but for the grace of God you could be DEAD.

I was young I know that you need to spread your wings and it but watch what you do, use some reason and care so that you one day will be giving this same speech to someone younger not laying in an early grave...with people saying "Oh, what a shame..he had so much die so young."

I love you, I care about you, I want you around for a long time. I intend to keep you to your promise of yesterday...You have to know that you got me very upset, very worried and totally's not just your life...your life touches a lot of people who care about you.   

I posted this on another site so that my son would get the message.  I really know where we get our grey hair from...the younger generation! I think after yesterday I need to go get a dye job.  I know my older two did do some things that would of turned me all shades of white had I known about them at the time that they did them.  I didn't find out until recently about some of the shennigans - I guess they figure it's "safe" to tell Mom now??  

This child, this youngest one has always been a joy...he has basically walked the straight & narrow - every other parent that met him wanted to keep him or hold him up as an example to their own kids to be more like what happened?  I think a damn girl, it's always a girl.

Oh, yeah, I know your shaking your head and saying "Oh, Mother.."  but this little snip of girl talked him into moving in with her, ok he had to leave sometime, then convinced him that he should move to Washington State, they sold everything to raise money for the trip, he sold his car, he sold his TV....basically almost everything for the trip. The deal was she would use her car, they would stay with her friends out there and both get jobs.  Month after month went by...with them planning to go, me worrying...."D" Day was May14th..the day to day after my son's birthday.  Well, about 1-1/2 weeks before D Day, she ups and tells him that she doesn't want to be with him anymore & takes off to another State to visit an old boyfriend.

The reason she tells that he is "too good"  & off she goes (the bitch) Now he was left with some money, no car - everything he was planning shot to hell...he had handed in a two week notice to his boss..thankfully, the boss had replaced him as's a decent job, he's been there a couple of I'm thankful he didn't lose that too.  But, I think this broad has messed up his mind a son is a very romantic type, he treates women very well...but it seems he keeps meeting girls that only want the bad boys.

I don't want to argue the point but I believe men are very stupid when it comes to the opposite sex. (And I don't hate men at all}   Anyway, he was drowning his sorrows as men will and definitely should not have been behind a wheel.  That's another horror of mine...I'm just so against it....I wish he was young enough that I could ground him, actually I'm of the old apologies here...across my knee and paddled with a hair brush!  I never hit my children when they were younger....but I just really really want to shake him until he understands just how stupid the whole thing was.  God, this weekend started out nice anyway......

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Patricks Place The Saturday Six


1. A stray dog wonders into your yard, obviously weak, hungry and thirsty.  He is a very friendly dog, but if you feed it or give it water, you know that the dog won't leave your yard and you'll end up keeping him.  If you don't help the animal, he might die.  What do you do?

1. Oh this is the wrong person to ask...I have rescued dogs, cats, squirells, baby possum, frogs, turtles, screech owl, parrots and even little lizards.  Seriously, I would try to see if the dog was tagged in any way, micro chipped...first try to re-unite with past owner.  I tracked down the owner of a once beautiful German Shepard only to be told that this dog had been put down by a Vet...well, he was alive and eating in my kitchen! They had a very joyful/tearful reunion.  Anything showing up in my front yard does get attention from me....

2. You must lose one of the following:  a foot, a hand, an eye or an ear.  Which would you get rid of and why?

2. An ear.  You need to walk, you need to see, you need hands to can get by with just one ear to hear.

3. Scalzi of "
By the Way" recently posted about the top unanswered questions in science today.  Click here and scroll down to the list of the top 25 biggest mysteries:  which one would you MOST like to have answered?

3. "Are we along in the universe?"  Of course not, to assume that we are the only planet to support life is a ridiculous thought.  I'm just hoping that whatever is out there will be beneficial to humanity in that they will teach us to have a peaceful world and overcome our prejudices towards one another.

Joe, our AOL Journals Editor, says blogs are boring:  either everyone talks about pretty much the same topics, or regular people lead dull lives, he suggests.  So what keeps you reading other people's blogs?

4. No...I read a lot of blogs....there are some that just go on and on and seem to be run on about only one subject..themselves..that is boring.  I have found a vast variety of eventful lives that are taking place all over blog-dom...and variety is the spice of life!

Lisa:  You are writing a bestseller book.  What kind of book is it (romance, mystery, science fiction, action adventure, historical, gothic, classic, fiction, non fiction, biography, other) ?   What is your main character's first name and the setting in which it will take place?  And give us a one sentence tidbit about the plot ...   

5. Well, I am writing a novel...have a couple of chapters done anyway. Whether I go anywhere with it remains to be seen.  My main character's name is Natalie, nickname Nalia, the setting is England in the early 1800's taking her from there to the new world, intermingling historical events in the timeline.  This will be a historical romantic fiction. "Nalia sat as quiet as a church mouse, trying to blend into the wall...even at her young age she knew that her life was about to change...she just wasn't sure if it would be for the better."  It's the eternal story of good versus evil, overcoming insurmountable obstacles to fullfill your life's destiny.

Mary:  Jim Elliot once said, "When it comes time to die...make sure all you got to do is die."  What do you have to do or would like to do before you die? Make a list of at least 6 things.  And since you made the list.. will  you actually try to accomplish those things?

6. Well, life is a funny never know when the ride is over....that being said...I would like to have looked back and said that I tried...

1. To see my grandbabies walk down the aisle
2. Get my novel published
3. Return to art & painting
4. Started a biographical journal on early life to leave for kids
5. Would like to do a book on early horse racing days and  my Dad's involvement with Seabiscuit & War Admiral
6. Would love to open my own Floral Shop...I miss working with flowers and creative arrangements.