Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bits and Pieces

So I take it pictures are not working.  Somehow I've lost the button for my hometown pictures and the regular add pictures definitely is not adding anything.

Jeanne from across the pond sent an email saying that she has lost her buttons completely and cannot even post anything to the journal.

Did I miss some kind of update from AOL that everything would be screwy for a while?  For a long time I had file manager and it was easy to put pictures on throught of course they messed with that and now it doesnt seem to work.   Why do they seem to constantly try to "improve" everything when in fact - it does just the opposite?

Anybody else having trouble out there? 

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's been A Hell of A week Already...

This has been a week of "Oh, My God's."

First I find out that my one brother-in-law lost his job just short of being there twenty years! Now doesn't that just reek of age discrimation?  Of course, the company (which is a well known brokerage house) claimed that he could not do his job properly....huh??? He had more than twenty-six years experience, including working on "the street" not in funnyville wantabe Florida.  I hope that he sues their butts off. 

 In these "right to work" states you really don't have many "rights"'s all geared towards the employer, except if you can prove age discrimation.  In the last two years or so this company has laid off/fired/made it so difficult that people resigned...over 25 other "older" employees. 

My brother-in-law knew his turn was coming when they started to "document" what they felt was his shortcomings. Oh, you say "What shortcomings?"  Well, they arranged that too, by removing him from his original job and placing him in an area that he had never worked before.  It also required that he do a lot of typing...well, he never learned to type it wasn't necessary for all those years.  Other than a little hunt and peck he could do. 

 So they set a path where failure was the only option.   Only a few short years ago they had given him an award for excellence on his performance at work on behalf of the company.   What they did to him is disgraceful, hurtful and downright wrong. 

Then on Saturday morning, Joe got a call from his sister Jeannie that their brother Jimmy had died.  He was only a few years older than Joe, with three teenagers still in the house...really rough. 

I can remember when I first met Jimmy, he was a huge drink of a 6'4"...his presence filled a room.  He had a boyish charm to him, sort of old world Irish with that know-it-all gleam in his eyes.  He was built sort of like a lumberjack and you could easily picture him swinging an axe or a hammer.

My husband likes to tease me and tell that his Mother has seen me outside in my backyard and thought to herself "Hmmm, she looks about the right age for my Jimmy!"  Well, that was not to be...he had a girlfriend and I fell for the other brother. 

Jimmy was sort of a wild child when he was younger living life in the fast lane.  Unfortunately, some early life experiences come back later in life to smack you right in the face.  This is such a case. 

I feel bad for my husband.  It's horrible to lose a parent let alone a sibling.  I know the clock is moving forward and as much as I rage against time we all must walk that path one day...the only recourse is to hold faith in your heart that one day, in a better place, we will all meet again.

Rest In Peace Jim......

Friday, February 2, 2007

Watch America's Most Wanted

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President



Grassfire has just learned that Fox TV's "America's Most Wanted"
will run a story featuring Agents Ramos and Compean, this
Saturday, February 2.

According to the National Border Patrol Council, the
Department of Justice has twice asked that the show
not be aired!

Sandra, Grassfire is urging ALL members of our immigration
and border agents team to check your local listings, and
make a point to watch Fox television’s America’s Most Wanted
this Saturday, February 2.

Contact your friends and family and urge them to watch as well.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire!

Steve Elliott
President Alliance

++ Sign our "Pardon the Border Agents" petition:

+ + launches next Monday!

America's online grassroots community is getting ready to ignite!
Get ready to join the discussion at -- where you
can chat, debate, and start your own citizen grassfires! For a
sneak preview:
+ + + + + + + + + +

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(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
To contact with comments, questions or to change
your status, see link at the end.)
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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network
of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real
impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not
tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?

I don't know how many of you have heard the above story.  Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?  Men that have spent a good part of their lives protecting OUR borders are found guilty and sentenced to long prison terms.   There is more to this story than meets the eye, and Steve Elliot has been fighting for their rights - but it's like you are fighting the government....Mexico complained, so the political thing to do was to sacrifice two Americans!  

I hope this story blows the lid off whatever it is that the mucky-ups are trying to achieve.  The little guy still has some rights in this country damn it.

Please watch America's Most Wanted, I'm sure they will do a better job than me explaining what these two men have been going through.  Then if you agree that the sentences are totally unfair, call, write - tell other people - Washington cannot be allowed to bury this one.