Monday, January 7, 2008

Tears on the trail...


Well I hope this works, trying to embed a video. The political pundits are making a big hoopla out of the fact that Hillary became "emotional" in New Hampshire.  Well, why not?

She's not human? Can't get damned tired? Especially surrounded by all the horse manure provided by the good ole boy system.

I can understand Obama doing well in the Iowa primary, I do believe that having Oprah on your side contributes tremendously also.  I believe he is a good man, a good politician (hell those two words don't seem to fit together do they?)  My problem with him is that he has very little "real" experience in Washington, and that place is not easy to deal with.  That place has eaten alive many a motivated professional within nano seconds of going "against" the establishment.  He probably would make a good President, in about ten years. But not now.

Not now when we as a nation stand on the very edge of crumbling precipice spiraling downwards at an extremely fast rate of speed.  Our national debt is larger than any nightmare budget thatan accountant could dream of, compliments of the reigning President. Oh, yeah, he was handed a clean plate - debts swept clean by Bill only took him a short while to have us enter this maze of debt.

Our banks are being bought out by foreign interests, the very land that our "landmarks" stand on no longer belong to any American corporation.  Our immigration policies are a joke, if you listen hard enough, you can hear the collective laughter from around the world.  Our dollar is no longer the money to have, the euro is "in".  Even our white collar jobs now are farmed out to India, the Philippines, and only God knows where else. 

Yet, we still have this cowboy mentality that "Hey, we are the guys in the White Hats..the good guys..people should love us". Actually, folks, that is Hollywood hype at it's finest, I love John Wayne riding into the sunset after saving the day too. But this is reality.

We need someone with experience, fortitude, strength under pressure yet able to deal diplomatically. Someone who will put our nations best interests FIRST, not putting the interests of a Haliburton ahead of you and I.

Living in a state where so much political crap has taken place, and my anger over it still has not subsided. Florida now is told that we don't rate having a primary count for anything...the Democratic party is banded from doing any campaigning during the primary race because Florida changed it's voting date or some such total crap. Forgive my use of that word but it's the only thing that fits.  

Eight years ago we were kicked to the curb because of "hanging chads" and ridiculed beyond belief nationally and internationally. It also cost the Democrats the election. If I saw the face of Kathleen Harris one more time I think I was going to throw up. I actually heard someone say that they were thinking of running her for President? Now really folks is that a political pay back for doing what the big boys wanted or what? It is disgusting.

Now, one of the largest states may or may not have delegates at the convention. I think this violates our states constitutional rights...hope someone is doing something about it somewhere.

It's time for change...big time.  Vote Hillary.   Okay I am stepping off my soap box....


Anonymous said...

Yes, it appears that she is passionate and believes in what she is doing.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Very interesting article on the week's New Yorker on Hillary and Obama and what happened in New Hampshire...Thanks for visiting me...I've put you alerts...