Saturday, October 15, 2005

Playing with Pictures

Have I mentioned that I hate spiders? Creepy crawling critters, make me jump all atweeter.  But I thought this one was cool the way it moves....Lahoma you created a monster....just in time for Halloween!

I have tried for over one year to make my addled brain understand the ins and outs of making pictures actually move in my journal. 

I have a young niece who zaps around on the computer like a pro...wonder how the grandbabies will be on their computers as they have been playing on one forever.

My Mom won't touch a computer, my Dad kinda looks interested but is going to follow Mom's lead and feign disinterest. 

 Even though I come to this point in my life late...I am so glad that I learned to do this. I think journaling is one of the finer things in life. And I have met such interesting people out there in Jland...wonderful, humorous, delightful people who have enriched my life by letting me peek into their life a little.


Anonymous said...

Love the spider! I'm with you; I'm not fond of spiders; I know they eat insects, but they also bite us.

It took me awhile to figure out how to put pictures in my journal, but I finally got some help and I'm glad I did because it does enhance how a journal looks.

The kids of today and tomorrow just take computers in stride; sort of how we probably looked at Lincoln blocks. What a difference a few years make in technology and what we can do.


Anonymous said...

I was like your parents and swore I'd never touch a computer, which I didn't till June of this year. They're still a bit alien to me when they go wrong but I'm learning all the time. I've just bought an MP3 player but haven't yet figured out how to use it!! One day I shall have to sit down and try to get some music put on it! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Jland - where else can we pick and choose what we want to read - adventures - romance - children - scary stories - we have it all here.....Ally

Anonymous said...

LOL I swear this is true. On my way over here, I was thinking, I'm gonna leave a comment saying, God, I've created a monster. LOL

I've always freaked people out with spiders because I'll hold my hand out to them and let them crawl on me. I've never been bitten by one. Knock on wood.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you learned to do this too!  Aren't the kids amazing...I get blown away by what they can do all the time!

Be well,

Anonymous said...

"I think journaling is one of the finer things in life.."

Amen to that!
btw...don't you just love that frapper link? so cool!
Gem :-)