Sunday, September 14, 2008

We Do Not Need Another Four Years Of Crap

Okay...this wolf I like. Reminds me of the Siberian Husky Zorro that we used to own. Loved that dog, he was such a love. Scared the hell out of everybody just with his looks but underneath it all...he was a big baby.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of our current she-wolf in sheep's clothing....dear homespun Sarah.  At first glimpse, I thought oh great at least one woman is getting on one of the go girl.   Now, I want to say whoa, reign in those wild thoughts that she would be one to promote anything for women.  Just the opposite.  If she had her way, you my female compadre could be raped, impregnated by some low life and our resident she-wolf would want you to bring that child to term come hell or high water....only at the point of death of the mother does she relent.  Not only that, it seems in their little back water town she signed a budget codicil that would make any VICTIM have to pay for the cost of the rape kit, which you have to have in order to press charges against anyone.  Cute, huh....

I watched the interviews and I thought that Sarah came across very stiff, like a scripted speech instead of naturally speaking her mind.  I read an article that compared her to that movie where the English fellow took an uneducated girl and turned her into a perfect lady..."The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain" keeps running through my head.  You betcha by gum! It's the way they do it up in the far North country.

Speaking of the far North family has friends who have lived in Alaska for a while now and they do not think highly of the Governor either. Evidently, judging from the 1,500 protesters quite a few fellow Alaskans do not either.  I've seem comments from some of them they are horrified at the very idea that Palin would be a heartbeat away from the scares the hell out of them and it scares the hell out of me.

I am just praying that Obama will win, at least his choice for a Veep can step in as President and be as fully knowledgeable if not moreso than Obama.

I think McCain is nuts, first stages of something. I am not playing the age card here but we are on the brink of a brand new world...we need someone who is well attuned to this century not the last.  Ok, the story goes that because of his war injuries McCain could not learn how to do a computer...oh, really?  I have seen people with no arms use a pencil in their mouth to tap out commands to their computers, also given that his wife has more money than God...they do have computers that react to voice commands...McCain could afford it. Look at Stephen Hawkings, he can hardly move at all.  Obama was right and instead he got jumped on  like hey...McCain's a hero don't say anything bad about him... That doesn't fly well with me.  We need change, we deserve change...dam it I want change.

I would love to see a ground swell of our young voters, the ones who will gain the most from whatever is decided in October. So any of you have young adults that will listen to you...get them registered, get them to vote....tell them how important it is.  Our future really depends on this election....besides on my birthday JANUARY 20TH...I want to be singing Happy Days Are Here Again...and not paying homage to an old geezer and a she-wolf in disguise.

If I have insulted any Republicans, well this is how I feel....and it's my blog...


Anonymous said...

How could it insult anyone for you to express your opinion?  I imagine most of your readers are reasonable people.  

Anonymous said...

my birthday is election day all I want is a democrat for it lol

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the wolf - but it sure doesn't look much like Sarah. I'm surprised at how many free-spirited, intelligent, independent woman hate Sarah! Do I sense a smidgen of "Meow"?  Look at the bright side - - our fair governor of the north only kills moose (is the plural "meese"??) - - she doesn't kill babies.

Sandi, I enjoy reading your opinions and I still love ya, despite the fact that I don't love Osama.   I mean, Obama.......             Jon

Gayla said...

I am horrified of the IDEA of her being our Vice President. Could you just imagine it? Right now I couldn't even grasp the thought.
And I have to disagree with some of your commenters. I am a free spirit and we all have a right to our opinions, but there IS a reason why we do NOT like Sarah Palin---pro life is just one of them and paying for a rape kit is another. The list goes on. I have a stack of articles, not junk or smear, but genuine articles that put her in a very, very bad light.And I'm very proud to be an intelligent, free-spirited and independant woman who does NOT like Palin nor Mc Cain.

Thank you so much and keep up the great entries---I love it!
