Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sorry Still Ranting

When I view the world I am amazed at the diverse beauty that flourishes under God's blue skies.  A deep sadness fills my soul when I see all that has been given to us misused, abused and tossed away without a second thought. 

In Africa a small child looks up to his Mother's face, smiles and quietly dies...this is repeated in many places around the globe.
Under God's blue skies this should not be happening...the least of us should not be so expendable.



Life is a precious commodity, not something to be treated with disdain or abuse.  Why does one person feel more entitled than another?  I live, I breathe, I sweat and I bleed....just as you do. That, in itself, should make us brothers under the skin.

I've been told that I am somewhat of an enigma, because on one hand I advocate violence (defending yourself), bringing heartache to the terrorists...I support our troops totally...yet I want peace.  I cannot and will not believe that turning the other cheek will gain us anything other than a totally mucked up face. I believe in a person's right to self defense but not in the right to kick butt just to do it.

I have good thoughts for other people around the world. I cry when I see the children suffering in Africa and other parts of the world.  We did what we could when the Tsunami hit...what a horror.  Also with Katrina....donated and cried for a week.  Bad things do happen, people of good faith always pick up the pieces bit by bit.  But, then again, I think has anything been "normal" since September 11th? 



Anonymous said...

I think nothing's been normal since Adam and Eve ate the apple. Certainly this world was not what God wanted it to be, but is because of sin in it. Nothing will be normal until Jesus comes back and this world is destroyed.

Totally understand where you are coming from


Anonymous said...

I often think that life will never be normal again.  Maybe it has always been like this but the papers nowadays are full of doom and gloom that we never used to get years ago.  Murders used to make headlines, now they barely warrant a paragraph unless a child is involved, we are destroying the world with pollution, birds are carrying disease, hatred is growing between different races.  We can each of us only do our best and leave the rest to God.

Anonymous said...

Thought-provoking entry.....
Take care of you,
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

rant away, my friend, because when you do, it's about matters of humanity.

you bring it into focus.  this brings to mind a line from A Christmas Carol...

Mankind was my business.

Anonymous said...

I found your ideas thought provoking. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I hear what you say in your last two entries but I don't agree with your analysis or solutions. September 11th was important to you but it means nothing to those kids in Africa or to China or India or Latin America and that's well over half the World.
You are over-reacting to 19 well organised terrorists when your over-reaction was their intention. When the Irishman was asked by the traveller for directions to Limerick, he said 'To be sure I wouldn't start from here if I were you!'  

Anonymous said...

By all means please disagree with my viewpoints. I did not offer a solution or tie every single horrible death on this planet to 9/11.  I am simply, as a human being, lamenting the terrible fate that some people aren't able to avoid.  Sometimes, just sometimes I do believe the other half of this world lack the milk of human kindness.  Sandi

Anonymous said...

what a sad commentary..but true, life is not what is was before 9/11, we all feel it and hope for a better world....roberta

Anonymous said...

First, I liked your graphics...especially that first one.

Second, if you are an enigma, then I am one also. I do think terrorism has changed much of the way we feel about many things. There was such a unity in this country in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, but it sharply turned. Blame is always being assigned to this person or that person. People have become more bitter. The terrorists ushered in a new era...and it sucks. And they are everyfrigginwhere.


Anonymous said...

You know, I've probably read your entry 5 times since you wrote it, just wasn't ready to lay down a comment. What strikes me about your entry is you show the black with the white and right back the white with the black. For some things, an embrace is the only solution, for others, violent protection. Every day I can find such amazing things of beauty in our world and one minute later find some of the most ugly vile things it makes me sick. I wish, you could have one without the other, but the way I see it, it can never be. Our humanity just isn't designed to hold such lines.
But we can wish, and we can encourage and we can fight and most importantly, we can use our voice to show the beautiful and point out the wrongs.
Wishing you well,

Anonymous said...

No, nothing has been normal since 9/11.  I feel it in my bones everyday.

be well,

ps... you aren't an enigma... just a mom, I feel the same.

Anonymous said...

Finally found your journal, lady.  I agree.  What amazes me is how many people in this country seem to have forgotten 9/11, and just how vulnerable we are.


Anonymous said...

Just calling by.  Hoping you will write in your blog again really soon.


Anonymous said...


Hi there! My first time visiting. I really like what I see. It's clear you're a deep thinker. What I wonder, as I read your post, is are you willing to consider that the actions of our troops in far-away lands could actually be escelating the violence?

Sadly, in our zealousness to apprehend Bin Laden--someone the Taliban offered to hand over if we only would provide some evidence to his connection--and overthrow Hussein we have managed to kill thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Consider the fact that since the first gulf war we have no doubt killed well over a million Iraqis for the actions of their dictator who we helped put into power through the CIA.

I too am all for defense, but is that what we are seeing overseas? The supreme crime at Nuremburg was occupation; it is a crime. We are not only violating international law, but we are also violating our own constitution. Turning the other cheek may not be the best idea, but murdering thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians can't be the answer either.



Anonymous said...

hi sandi,

sorry i haven't been in touch lately, but been homeless, living in the house from hell, and been quite busy.

i, too, am filled with sadness when i think of things happening today.  we have so much and give so little.........we have and don't take care of..........we waste, we destroy.........

i was recently looking for pics online of trash strewn streets for an entry about trash in america, and this is what i found........ (be careful when opening the is quite disturbing):

i hope to catch up on reading journals and commenting soon.
be blessed,