Friday, March 10, 2006

Bad Things Happening To Good People

I don't even like reading the news anymore. I know I have to, just to keep up with the fast pace of this world.

The news tonight was not good, they found the body of the peace worker who was kidnapped last year. These terrorists who kill people who are trying to help their fellow countrymen is so totally despicable.  How many are going to die? They still have several others in captivity plus that young woman reporter, who they parade crying for her young life.

I can't believe there is no solution for this. If the Iraqi's themselves cannot stop these terrorists something is not being done correctly. A neighborhood is still a frigging neighborhood where your next door neighbor knows a bit of your business, even if you don't want him...just because of sight, sounds or whatever passes around. So somebody, somewhere, over there...knows where these groups are. They are just too chicken shit to step up and nail them. 

This just adds to my belief that unless the folks over there develop some growth in the nether region, nothing will ever change... Yes, I know a lot of people are dying - but to stop it requires a united front from all the ruling powers. The hatred has to be untaught.

What's wrong with starting to do searches? But unannounced, spur of the moment - hit em hard and keep doing it. It could be patterned after what occurred here in the roaring twenties. The very idea that these gangster terrorists steal uniforms, break into government offices to murder and kidnap people is beyond belief.  They are not playing by any fricken rules, and we shouldn't either.

Something has to change.



Anonymous said...

totally agree with you. I was so sickened several years ago when they killed Daniel Pearl, the journalist. We need to find a way to get back at them


Anonymous said...

Sandi I do so agree with everything you have written here ~ I have just been watching the news and it sickens me ~ I hope they find a solution and sooner rather than later ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

i agree, sandi..they have to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Living with a journalist gives me the opportunity to yell and yammer when there is nothing but unhappiness in the paper.  Doesn't do me much good, but I do get to get rid of some of my frustration.  I'm with you I don't relish reading all the grief, but not reading the paper makes me feel as if I'm not a part of the world.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

I have to MAKE myself watch the news.  I sooo understand. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

honestly, I have not watched..I am too afraid to know. I've seen and heard enough. or maybe I thought.
God bless those who go through the hands of these terrorist.

Anonymous said...


I'm clearly on the other side of the coin on this one, but I'll share my thoughts nonetheless. What would we do if the situation was reversed? I'm no fan of George W. Bush, but I certainly wouldn't go for some other country stomping in here and killing a bunch of us to remove him from office. What if we didn't have the military might to stop such an attack? Isn't that what happened during our so-called Revolution? We adopted  guerilla tactics to confound our enemy. It's their land. Dont' they have a right to demand that we leave?

Iraqis don't want us there. It's hard for me to understand the outrage when if we would simply abide by international and national law we wouldn't even be there for them to attack.
