Saturday, January 21, 2006

Answering Jeanette's Questions...

Jeanette listed all these on her I thought I would play it sounds like fun...

1.   If a film was being made of your life, what actor or actress would you like to see in the lead?

Sandra Bullock, she's kind of zany (like me) and acts down to earth, beliveable.

2.   If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

That's a hard one. I hate Florida, loved New York....maybe meet half way and pick Maryland...very pretty state.

3.   If you could meet someone famous (alive or dead) who would you choose and why?

Well, I would choose someone who was dead, just cause this gal wants answers! Seriously, I think I would enjoy meeting Socrates (but only if he can speak English now).  He had thoughts that were far beyond his time, considered radical for his age period....I'd like to know how his mind worked in person...another would be Michangelo.

4.   What is your all time favourite film or book?

Mine is a series of books.  The stories of Angelique...written by a husband and wife get both sides or points of view, follows her from being a child through adulthood.  Every so often I start to re-read them again.

5.  If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?

Definitely lose weight.   I am working on that as we speak.

6.   If you could appear on a T.V. programme, which one would you choose?

I've been on TV many times for one reason or another - it does not impress me. I certainly do not like these reality shows either, they just want to highlight man's own stupidity back at you.  If I could be on TV, I would enjoy some type of gardening show....ala Martha Stewart.

7.   If you were going out to dinner, what type of restaurant would youpick?

Probably Asian.....a good Japanese restraurant is a treasure.

8.   If you could invent a totally new gadget that would make your life easier, what would you like it to be?

Probably a robot that would clean my whole house and yell at my hubby when he drops his clothes on the floor!

9.   If you could own a racehorse, what would you call it?

Little Biscuit...after Seabiscuit. Mainly for the fact that my Dad was the first person to "break" Seabiscuit to the bit & bridle...and the only person to ride both Seabiscuit & War Dad still loves horses...

10. What is the most memorable event in your life so far?

Too many great memories. But it would have to be the birth of my three life wouldn't of been the same without them.

11. If you could live your life over again is there anything that you would change?

Oh what a question. I would do more, see more, love more...just be more. I have a favorite saying "If I knew then what I knew now...oh boy what fun would I have!"  (Nothing nasty guys...just that you don't come into your full "self" until you really mature - until you get that feeling that you don't really give a crap what anyone's your thing)

12.  What one thing annoys you the most?

People who keep coming up with stuff to ruin the internet experience for everybody from spammer to virus makers....they are all rotten pests.

13.  If you could change your first name, what would you like to be called?

Actually my Grandfather wanted me to be named Alexandria and they all comprised on Sandra...with Lee thrown in to appease my Southern Grandma. I actually like the name Alexandria.  At one point when I wanted to be an actress, oh so many moons ago, so I wanted my name to be Sandra Stevens...

14.  If you were a keeper in a zoo, which animals would you most like to be in charge of?

Oh without a doubt, the avairy....I love birds and have hand raised a few. That was one of my joys of working at Sunken Gardens the birds, the Macaws...just beautiful.





I think I lost the last bit of her questions.....if I find them I will fill them in...





Anonymous said...

good answers, especially #8.  what is it about men that makes them disrobe in 1. the living room 2.  the dining room 3.  and drop their clothes right in the floor.  must have something to do with the "watering"  trees thing.

Anonymous said...

Your answer to #9 is way cool! Wow! All your answers are good, but #9 had me going back to read it again. ::smile::

Anonymous said...

Very interesting answers Sandi,I just added Maryland as another place to see! It would be nice to meet some of the old genius's wouldn't it? I did my answers last night, if you want to look the link is here. Hope you have a good party today!Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking part. I was stunned at your answer to number 9, how wonderful!!!  Enjoyed reading the rest.  The last question was is there any actor/actress that you particularly dislike.

Anonymous said...

I loved your answers!!  I love your family history too!!  I would name my horse, Michaelangelo, if a boy....

Be well,

Anonymous said...

LOVE YOUR on the SOUTH BEACH DIET and watching weight myself.....COOL answers...


Anonymous said...

Very enlightening. Glad to know you better, Sandi. Like you, I'm up to here (gesturing above my head) with Florida hurricanes and the low paying jobs! I do not like cold weather though so I want to go to California and check it out. I am saving my pennies now so we can spend the holidays in either Frisco or LA this year. 10 more months! Hope I have enough $ to finalize the reservations by November.  

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about I thought I would leave a quick note!!

be well,