Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday Six

week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions.  A link to your journal in general cannot count.  (Again, if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!)  Enjoy!

1. When is the last time you took a vacation and went basically nowhere?  Was it as relaxing as previous vacations where you have actually planned a trip?

1. Leaving my last job was a vacation in itself. But almost all my vacations have been spent up with my children, loving my grandbabies for the last eight years. Four kids under age 7? Relaxing? I think not! I love kids...bring em on. The monkey and I are ready.  My last planned trip was to my sister's in Washington State...just beautiful country.  I enjoyed myself  totally, it was a chance to reconnect with her, see her life from her view and she allowed me to unwind from my own life turmoils. So I have to say that my planned trip was much more relaxing.

2. Take this
quiz:  Which historical lunatic are you?

2. Ye Gads..I'm the idiot Charles the IV of France.

a blithering, blubbering, babbling king..oh my.

Jaymi:   What is your favorite book from childhood and why?

3. I always loved The Jungle Book. The fact that someone could speak to the animals amazed me at a young age.  I always wanted to do that...hubby swears some animals do talk to unusual times. Our resident Peacock will poke it's head around the corner at me, as if to say "Hello there..what are you up to today?"..and don't get me started on our thinks it's human, comes to the back door and wants in. Last time it brought it's "Here I am I'm moving in!"

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #65 from Hannah:  What book character do you most identify with and why?

4. This one is difficult. I read too much. I used to love the Angelique series of books. It was written by a husband/wife team and they wrote so well. They had both perspectives male/female views interwined within their stories...I just fell in love with the characterization of Angelique. I still have all my I have to go and reread again....just because I can!

Holly:  What do you think is an appropriate gift to a party?  What do you consider a quality Christmas gift from an acquaintance to a party or get together, a friend, and a GREAT friend?

5. I would think a combination of decorative cheeses and wine would be appropriate for a holiday gift. It would serve as a nice gift for a party. A gift for a friend requires more thought..whatever your friend is into..a special book, a special puzzle etc.  Your knowledge of your friend should be put to good use in choosing the proper gift.  A very good friend is in itself a gift.

Judi:  If you had to make a choice for the rest of your life between food and sex, which would you choose, provided the following conditions: If you chose sex, you would never feel hungry, but just wouldn't be able to enjoy a nice meal or the tastes of good food or drink; if you chose food, you would no longer have the physical intimacy and pleasure, but you still wouldn't feel deprived of it.  In other words, whichever one you choose to give up will be a series of pleasures you'll never be able to experience firsthand again.

6. Oh, I can tell this one's answers are going to be interesting.  Hmmm...well, you can live without sex but you can't live without food. Now I know most men would rather die than give up sex....women, on the other hand are different story.  Not that I intend to give anything up...but faced with this type of situation...I would have to choose food.  I love to cook..always have..always will. 

Come play too at... 


Anonymous said...

I almost said Jungle Book too, and then my Christmas book popped in my head. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Sandi, thanks for the comment in my journal; love your answers too; we were both the same historical lunatic, LOL.

(and we both chose food over sex; I liked how you answered that)


Anonymous said...

I talk to my pets but mostly they look at me like I'm nuts... lol... thanks for stopping by my journal!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, question 6 was a killer, wasn't it? I admired the way you handled it!

Anonymous said...

there had to be something wrong with that quiz - you are definitely not blithering, blubbering or babbling.  anybody who has been taken with Patrick is A-ok in my book.

i enjoyed reading these.  :-)

Anonymous said...

#6 is a very sticky question. I think I'd choose food too...

Anonymous said...

yea, #6 was quite the surprise this week huh?  I could give up food, but not the other  *wink*

enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Great answers... they really made me think!  It sounds like you really enjoy your grands... that is so nice!

be well,