Saturday, August 6, 2005

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Besides your parents or siblings, what family member do you most resemble?    

I believe I look alot like my southern grandma Lee, she was very blonde, turning platinum as she aged.  She had beautiful legs that stayed beautiful throughout her life...hardly any broken veins. She had a well rounded body that was wonderful to snuggle up to for comfort.  Her facial skin remained soft with very few wrinkles, as mine has.  Happy to have her genes.



2. Check out this
interesting website:  Is your hometown newspaper featured?  What is the top headline of that paper or the one closest to you?

Yes, The Saint Petersburg Times...although I miss "The Daily News" from New York.....the News's headline is about a former policeman turned soldier who died in is becoming too frequent a headline....death of a young person filled with so much promise, lost to us.


3. If you knew it was completely tame and there was no danger, what zoo animal would you most like to pet or come into physical contact with?       You are talking to the wrong one here.  I've held and handled Alligators (mouth taped of course), huge turtles, all sorts of large birds....petted a Panther....but it would have to be a monkey...I love cute.  Actually, I love all animals....



4. Take this
quiz:  How weird are you?

The test said I was 40% weird...just enough to know that I'm weird but not enough to know how not to be.  Doesn't everybody sleep naked? Ben Franklin believed in it for health reasons...LOL


5. Which of the following causes more stress in your life:  your spouse, your kids, your boss, your co-workers, your friends, your parents or other relatives?
Well, my last boss was a complete piece of work.  She could aggrevate the dickens out of a saint.  You know the type, one that "wants" you to take on a project, call it your own..but rides  rough shod over you so that you can't take a step or a breath without her right there!   Once I left that stress level has gone down significantly.   Recently, my youngest son crashing his car...that put me into stress mode big time.  But, on the whole I try for sanity sake to limit over reacting to situations....I figure I'll live longer that way.
6. You find an old lamp containing a genie:  the genie decides to give you a single improvement for yourself, mind or body.  It must be something to improve within you and no one else.  What would you ask the genie to fix   Oh my! This one is easy....I would ask to be 17 again and know what I know now.   It is often said that youth is wasted on the young......I just know that I would have so much fun, I would take more chances, run farther and love longer....oh imagine....


Anonymous said...

You have lots of questions today - I will have to think about them before I answer - But I do agree with you on the "Youth is wasted on the young" enjoyed reading your blog....Ally

Anonymous said...

I agree with your last answer.  Ahhh . . .  to be seventeen and FEEL like I did back then.  To move free of pain . . .  to run, jump, dance, be completely silly . . .  and not suffer for it.  To be at that stage of forming important opinions and enjoying the hell out of best friends.  To try to decide whether you want to be a dancer, singer, or telephone operator!  Oh, to be YOUNG.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

HI your left a comment in my journal, So I decided to stop by and say Thanks for visiting.  And to read a little while I was at it.  
Don't you love these quizes.  I used to do them constantly.  I need to get back them.  

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have such great genes!
Also lucky to have had such close contact with so many different creatures. (Goes with living in Florida I guess;) )
I love monkeys, too, but now that I've seen "The Penguin March", I'd love to be able to pet a penguin, especially a chick. They're so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting!  Congrats on the good genes...I have my dad's they are good too!  Blond and no wrinkles!!

Be well,

Anonymous said...

You're a lucky ducky for having great genes. I wish... I think I am aging prematurely since my kids hit their teenage years. I love your answer on #6. By the way, I'm flying to Tampa for an interview on Friday and hubby is there house hunting. He said something about a house in Brandon(?), a Tampa suburb...  

Anonymous said...

Just passing through...Very interesting blog....

Anonymous said...

I put a link to your journal on my journal.
Just thought you might like to know.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm 30% weird according to the quiz (only 30%, many would disagree!!)
I would love to cuddle a leopard cub, I've cuddled a tiger cub, he was gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I won't comment to all the questions, but I did take the weird quiz, 30%, I look like my mother, almost a carbon copy. At the Zoo, I have ridden an elephant and a camel. If I could touch and interact with any of the animals, it would be the jaguars, they are so beautiful, and mascots of the local football team, The Jacksonville Jaguars.

As for the uber-stressors in my life, it has to be a head-to-head competition between work and my oldest children. They are twins, now woman and man. Man is currently incarcerated until December for an attempt at 'suicide by cop', and his sister is on her second long journey in a month to visit people(men) she meets on 'Halo Online'.  She is desperately looking for love and happiness, but I fear for her safety. She know her father and I hate this new hobby, and she stays broke. The last trip ended up in heartbreak.The soul-mate of the week thingie is really getting tiresome. She is twenty-three and should know better.

As far as work, I was recently moved from an early morning shift, 5:30-2:30 to a night shift, due to the fact that my boss thought he needed my unique skills in bringing up the performance for the crew on that shift. Well, everyone is happy about it, it is great for all but me and my family, who I almost never see anymore.

Anonymous said...

I would confirm that youth is wasted on the young, but consider how cynical an 18  year old would be if they knew what you know now.

What a waste it would be to lose what youth really has to offer, it's not firm titts or boundless energy; it's innocense.

I want to take more chances now.  I want to run farther and love longer, so get busy genie it's a tall order.  

I was only 20 percent weird, which surprises me, but you can't argue with the professionals.

Anonymous said...

Aren't animals the coolest?  I pet an alligator too.  It was two years old.  Textured on the top and soft on the underbelly!
