Thursday, December 2, 2004

Homework Assignment

The homework assignment question is "What is your second best character trait?"

I've found throughout my life that people find it very easy to talk to me, even about difficult subjects in their lives.  I always listen with an open mind trying not to judge people.  There have been times where I've been able to really help someone and it feels very good.  I've always believed that good communication between people is so important in our lives.  I'm an Aquarius and definitely a people I think that comes across when I talk to people.

Extra Credit....wish I could tackle projects and not get side-tracked so know I start one thing and jump to another before the first is done....bad girl!



Anonymous said...

Re the extra credit: my husband is always complaining that everything he tries to do turns into a chain of things he has to do. To fix the toilet he must make three trips to the hardware store to buy various tools and parts he didn't know he needed. To do that, he has to buy gas, and get dressed, and emply the trash, and turn off the water, and....  That's the involuntary kind of getting sidetracked. Myself, I'm more like you. If I set out to clean up the books in the bathroom, I end up journaling about them, and never get around to actually putting them away.

Oh, and being able to listen and be confided in is a GREAT quality to have. - Karen

Anonymous said...

It is always good to be a friend with an open ear.

Anonymous said...

Not only is this a wonderful trait for YOu but even more so for those around you. Somehow people seem to have an intuitive sense to detect folks like you. My wife will return from a "brief" shopping adventure hours later informing me she suddenly became embroiled in a conversation with another shopper while looking over the vegetable or some such. Her latest store-side counseling session was for a recently widowed elderly gentleman who needed to share about his 40+ years of marriage and the loss of his wife. It truly is quite a gift you know.

As for getting sidetracked.... well.... with my ADHD if I'm not chained to the task it may get away form me.... or me it, whichever comes first. My wife tends to hire out or beg a friend to help complete any repair task around the home. Not sure if that's due to my incompetence or spacey-ness, either way it much more efficient that setting me after the task.

Hope you'll fin the time to pop on over and read how I tackled this assignment. so do enjoy the insights of new readers. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

An open mind...that's awesome :)
