Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our Finest Minds At Work??


We have to get Congress in on this right away.  Look at the injustice that is being done to these poor innocent ducks! Please it's imperative to form a committee and look into the abuse these long suffering creatures have had to put up with .

" Oh, say there are no "free" committees? They are all  investigating other "important" stuff? Like what? Please give me an example.."..

Well, for one, the House Committee of Energy & Commerce (Congressional) is investigating a terrible thing that is misleading the entire country on certain medication.(Government spokesperson)

 "Oh, boy that does sound important...what medication?" (me)

"Lipitor" that rascal Dr. Robert Jarvik is working for Pfizer promoting people taking Lipitor by showing (gasp) a body double of himself rowing a boat across a lake in a commercial telling the benefits of Lipitor" per John Dingill, Democratic Chairman from Michigan. (Government spokesperson)

"Misleading the public? How? Doesn't Liptor work?" (me)

Oh, Liptor works really good..cleans those internal pipes very nicely. That's not the problem.  The problem is that Dr. Jarvik is NOT a heart doctor. He also is a couch potato and we have this on good authority from his bestest friend, that the most athletic thing he has done in the last twenty years is tie his shoelaces. 

"You mean to tell me that the man credited with one of the best heart inventions of the century doesn't know enough about hearts to be able to recommend a medication? Are you for real? That he isn't a heart surgeon means all his education, hard work and dedication to his field doesn't count?" You also are telling me that our tax dollars are being spent chasing down something so absolutely stupid as to be totally ridiculous..and our Congress is being tied up with this nonsense?" (me)

Uh..well..we have a constitutional responsibility to our constituents to protect them from themselves....(Government spokesperson)

"I see, our government at work...could it be that one drug company is pissed and decided to grease a few palms to see that the other drug company gets on the bad end of the receiving line on this one? Inquiring minds would like to know" (me)

Uh...I can't comment on an ongoing to go excuse me...(government spokesperson)

There is no excuse for you...go screw a duck......(me)


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!  Good entry!!!  LOL!!!  Love the graphics!!!


Anonymous said...

Well.  I would take Lipitor over Vytorin any day.  Medications that DO NOT work are what I want to see investigated!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe...too funny on those evil little duckies! Oy vay...government...studies...meds...a viscious money grubbing circle. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

I think that is why we get so much conflicting "advice" People are given money to make studies and have to "discover" something. I know it happens in education, some fool is always selling some product and teachers are forced to use it. it's the latest fad....

Anonymous said...

Ok Ok, I'll leave a comment..........and I hope Congress gets the memo

Anonymous said...

Remind me to never piss you off....Screw a duck indeed! (winks)....

On another note I detest the drug commercials. I don't see them as giving us valuable advice, rather teaching us to self medicate. Unless you know the drug of choice and have researched it, how can ypu possibly figure out if this particuliar drug is right for you? Ask your dr. who hopefully didn't go through all those years of schooling, to do no more than Congress at the moment. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

As an update....well the drug company fired the good doctor...see Congress does work well - just not on things that really friggin matter to anybody that has a lick of common sense.....Sandi

Anonymous said...

you are right on the target!
Lipitor makes you loose your memory btw