Friday, March 14, 2008

Fairness From The Pulpit

Have you seen the U Tube videos of Obama's preacher, listened to his rant?

I have and it is not making this white camper happy.  Not that it was meant to anyway.  My take on it is as follows:

In this day and age it seems that it is perfectly acceptable that a black minister can call down the wrath of God on this nation's head without any fear of being called a racist himself.  By all means...dam this country...ignore any and all inroads that have been made on behalf of the black race. 

Forget about the sixties and the people who stood shoulder to shoulder with their black friends, fighting, marching, picketing and yes, dying in the South to get radical change in this country.  Dam them too. Why?

Well, they and Hillary have never known the stigma of being called the N word...oh, my God...Hillary never had to overcome that!  No, actually she was called a lot worse...ranging from frigid to Lesbian there are very few horrible words that have not been tossed her way.

Hey, in his mind anybody coming to this country from Europe had an "easy" time of it? Really.  My poor dead Grandfather would roll over in his grave listening to this radical crap.  He arrived in this country with NOTHING, $20.00 in his pocket, signed in at Ellis - they shortened his name.  He was made to understand that he would have to learn ENGLISH, he would have to WORK hard and he would have to obey the law.  1916 New York City was not an easy place to survive, people tended to group together by (gasp) of all things race or nationality...sometimes just crossing a street into someone else's turf became a life or death (at best a good beating) experience.  It made him tough. He had to become tough to survive, he had to let the name calling (hey, greaser, boy lover, referring to his Greek nationality, etc.) roll off his back.

Years later he never would blame someone else for his life experiences, it was just that - life has it's up and downs.  Just because someone is white does not mean that they have led a privileged can a sane person make a blanket statement like that? 

The very fact that Obama is in the position that he is in now is proof that this country has changed dramatically in the last fifty years. Days of back of the bus and separate water fountains are long gone and so should this preacher's hate mongering be - gone.

The above statements are not being stated to offend anyone, I also have black relatives that I care about...I just firmly believe this minister is over the top.


Anonymous said...

He is over the top, and Obama has repudiated his words.  Just because he used to preach at Obama's church doesn't have anything to do with Obama's qualifications as a candidate.
The truth about our white great-great-great-grandparents is that none of them were slaves, none of them came here involuntarily, none of them had to live in conditions of enforced violence and servitude that EVERY slave lived in.  None of them had to worry about being lynched for walking on the wrong side of the street or daring to act with pride instead of groveling.  I don't even begin to understand the legacy of that kind of history, the depth of his anger. But there's no reason to take it personally just because I'm white, which, it seems to me, you are doing.
As for "God Damn America' - so what if this guy doesn't like his country? What does that have to do with you or me? Let this guy have his sentiments--you don't have to internalize them.
As for Hillary never being called the n-word, I agree, that's a stupid point. As if being called a name somehow qualified anyone for anything but a hug.

Anonymous said...

During the 1700's and 1800's poor Irish were indentured as slaves in the West Indies and treated exactly as the Black slaves were, my family came to the UK in the 1950's and treated terribly and it was expected as the norm, however we have come a long since then but to some not far enough and I watch with embarassment when some of our Black leaders from the community like how you described above, howver it has nothing to do with Obama, but unfortunately people like this preacher do more harm than good to black people, no point in personalising it, it just one mans view.


Anonymous said...

I'm not offended but I do think that you are very naive if you honestly believe that coming to this country of your on accord as an immigrant is equivalent to  being forcibly taken from your homeland, shoved into the hold of a cargo ship, and sold to the highest bidder when you landed.. As for the rest, ditto what Marc said.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

Just a side note...I am quite sure if I dig back far enough I can find some indentured Irish/English servants in my families background. In fact, most Europeans were slaves of one country or another at some point in their history. Greeks on the warpath, followed by the Romans, etc, etc... The fact of the matter is that all of them overcame their slavery through time and effort. You had exceptional people, like Rosa Parks, Martin Luthor King who saw what needed to be done and did it.  I'm not taking this personally, I just feel that this minister should be ashamed of himself.   Sandi

Anonymous said...

This preacher is a total mental case... I don't care for Obama, but I won't blame any of this on him, it has nothing at all to do with him.... the preacher is just a stupid, crazy person and shame on any church who will allow him to preach that way.


Anonymous said...

You've gone quiet... hope Easter was well... and hope you are, too.

be well,

Anonymous said...

I agree...I have ancestors that came from Ireland & Germany.  They came to a different country than what we have here today.   And I understand the horrible conditions that black slaves came here, many were captured and sold by their own kind.  They were treated horribly by some of the slave holders in the south.  And there were others who treated them like the dear human beings they are.  It's sad to me that a "man of the cloth" preaches hate instead of God's love & forgivness for all.  I've always believed that should be the message of the church...not the preacher's political agenda.   Thanks for stopping by my journal.   Linda in snowy western Washington state  

Anonymous said...

what linda said.  this man is preaching hate and taking advantage of obama's notoriety.  at the same time, do we want a president who sits in that pulpit..?