Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Just Listening to Political Dialogue

Hi again, just watching the TV news and Kerry announced his running mate as John Edwards...everybody expected it...well, why not the younger John brings alot of charisma to the campaign...something that the elder John is lacking unfortunately.   We are living in an age where the "Terminator" gets overwhelmingly elected to Governor, and the more "on air" time kind of decides who the public will love or hate.  I used to know politically "who" I was, proud of the fact that I've voted faithfully for the last forty years.  Well. this election is a toughy..I just don't trust President Bush, I know in todays political arena you shouldn't expect a squeeky clean persona but lord I just wish we could have a candidate...the likes of a Barry Goldwater or even a John Wayne type...I want a person in a white hat!  Granted he should be packing and carrying a big stick!  Oh, well....I guess we'll see as time goes on....I'm just part of the great middle of the road, cliff-hanging, fence sitting faceless horde that will probably decide the next President of the United States...that is..IF...the hanging chads don't get us again and in this state run by Bush's brother anything is possible as evidenced by the last election.




Anonymous said...

As far as trusting George Bush, would you "trust" yourself to run the white house, and, more importantly, the country?  George Bush is a cowboy in the white house, but I'de rather have a cowboy than a coward.  Stick to your party, republican, all the way...........

Anonymous said...

Alisaoffice......actually your comments are what make this country great...that anyone can have their say without fear of anything.  Even in a family we can agree to disagree and still get along.  I started out as a staunch Republican too and kind of diminished in feelings along the way over a good course of years..see what time will do to you.