Sunday, July 25, 2004

Sunday, Sunday...lazy day

Hello again.  I have to get used to writing my thoughts down, it's something that I haven't done since I was a "lovestruck" teenager mooning over Fabian & Elvis.  I can remember writing poem after poem about love and a teen's rather slanted view of life.

I loved acting, was in drama class, acted in plays..took lessons outside of school and wanted desperately to be an actress.  Family, friends and yes, strangers had told me that I was very good.  The star magazines ran different contests at that was to get an interview with a famous drama coach.  I wrote from the heart and won!  At this point, her name is lost to me but she was the drama coach for Sal Mineo, Tuesday Weld and others. I think I impressed her, but because I had only 8 months left of school before graduation she felt I should complete school first.

I also managed to put myself on TV specifically The Alan Freed Show.  They had a contest for "Miss April Showers"....well, I wrote, got interviewed and was picked as one of the contestants.  I found myself in a dressing room surrounded by pretty girls mostly models with makeup on I would swear was an inch thick.  Here I was barely 16...only wearing lipstick!  Well, you can quess what happened I looked like a ghost, granted a pretty ghost...but not enough to pull in the votes from viewers.   One of my most vivid memories is standing back stage waiting for my turn to speak on camera to Alan Freed and the person behind me sweating profusely was none than Chubby Checker in his checkered suit!  At that time he was extremely heavy and the warmth of the lights really got to him.  I don't remember if this was his first TV appearance or not...but his song "The Twist" really caught on.

As I have said life is full of surprises and twists.  Eight months later my life went in a different direction and I don't really regret it. 

Talking about poetry makes me want to look for my old poems, think I'll do that....bye for now

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