I keep shaking my head thinking, "hey, all this is really not happening right here in my backyard!" Unfortunately, it is...I believe there will be a special place in hades for the lawyer, the huband and especially the judge.
In light of this little blonde nurse coming forward with her tales of abuse from Michael - isn't that enough to question all these legal decisions? Even a convicted death row prisoner can get a last minute reprieve based on new evidence. Why not Terri? What is wrong with this judge? He will not hear he will not listen he does not care...he is no judge. He wants this over with just as her errant husband does...so the judge washes his hands ala Pilate washing his hands of Jesus.
So we sit in our comfortable homes, drinking our hot coffee debating whether it is right to save a life ... she lies in the bed, life slowly ebbing away while the wolves wait silently watching what they want take place.
It is not over. I live here. I vote here, and I will not forget.
I'm shaking my head on the whole sad situation, also. Certainly has woken a lot of people up on several issues. My personal opinion is if she passes on, her family should then go after her lying, cheating husband on murder charges.
I'm especially saddened by the news that the supreme court won't even hear the case and I'm baffled that the polls all support the husband, who I think is a lying, cheating snake. Terri was only in her 20's when all of this happened. I find it hard to believe that a 20-something thinks ahead enough to say, "I don't want artificial means of life". If anything, I think the courts should allow the parents to get a divorce on Terri's behalf and if they want to take care of her, fine, let them! That is what bothers me. Death is the only option for the husband. He won't even consider divorce, but I hear he stands to inherit a lot of money if Terri dies. I also wonder what he is afraid of if she comes out of the coma....what is he afraid she will say? That he abused her? That he pushed her into the eating disorder??? It just seems so inhumane. If she were on a ventilator or something like that, then maybe I could understand unplugging her, but when her only life support is a feeding tube???? If this were a child in her condition, and yes, I did know of one growing up, this wouldn't be an issue. Gosh...I just can't believe it. Sheila
This issue is painful and troubling, and, as a parent, I know I wouldn't want to have to face it. However, Terri died a long time ago, and she needs to go home. The sad fact of the matter is how heartless the manner of her passing is, when the medical system must allow her to die of deprivation rather than helping her body, only a shell now that the essence of who Terri was is gone, to depart in comfort and ease. I cannot think of any worse fate than to lie in a bed with no possiblity of any recovery or manner of life, a living shrine to a memory; as painful as it may be, I think it would be a better homage to her memory to allow her the dignity of a funeral and wake, and to donate her valuable organs to improve the lives of those who desperately need them. That, to me, would be an honor and tribute to Terri, far more meaningful than the considerable expense and effort to keep her hostage to grief. I know I would so prefer my family to respond were I in her sad situation. My heart goes out to her family for their loss, but they lost her 15 years ago, and have only prolonged their grief, to no avail. Just MHO, nothing more. Bruce
Bruce, ask yourself why has the husband in the past & present thwarted any new medical exam of her for years? Even the doctor that was sent from the Governors office was forbidden by MIchael to even touch her...he could only stand and look......something stinks to high heaven and beyond.
I would personally hope my family would take me off of life support in that situation. I think it is a very hard decision to make either way, and I do think that if there is only a small chance she would recover then they should let her die than make her live in constant pain which is very inhumane.
sandi...i know how deep this goes with you, and many others, myself included.
i've been struggling with the issues..i have a sister who is brain damaged. no, she isn't in a vegetative state. she lives in a rest home, now. she can't walk, has lost the hearing in one ear and the vision in one eye. her thought processes are slow. when i see pictures of terri, i see my sister in her eyes. it's an emotional issue.
i've read articles that suggest terri is not in a vegetative state, that perhaps she is in a shallow state of consciousness (paraphrasing, can't remember the term), and if that is so, then at some level she knows...at least, i feel like she might.
i'm still torn...but still i wonder if there's a chance she could recover, or if she could have...and why her husband won't let another doctor examine her.
until that issue is settled, they should reinsert the tube.
This whole situation upsets me so badly when I start to talk about it. So for the past few days I have avioded talking about. I have her green ribbon in my journal that will take you to the "Life Ribbon Home". http://www.eeng.net/eeng/ribbon/index.html
Also at this site, I saw this and thought it was very interesting...
"Jodi Centonze is Michael's girlfriend. If you go to www.sunbiz.org you can find a company named Jerger & Centonze Insurance Agency, Inc. The address of the insurance company is the address of the house that Michael shares with Jodi. Michael is listed as a director. The company was incorporated in January of 2001. My bet is Michael and/or Jodi has a huge life insurance policy on Terri. "
He is affiliated with a family (his future wife and in-laws) that own an insurance company. I myself couldn't figure out (at www.sunbiz.org) hwo to find this business they mention.
I honestly beleive Micheal stands to get a LOT of money from Terri's death. Hense...Why we won't divorce and why he wants nothing but seath for her.
I wouldn't want to live in a vegitative state ither. BUT I woudl want ALL avenues exhausted BEFORE I was let go. ALL tests, ALL therapy etc...Then if nothing happens to change the fact that I will not recover at all. then let me go. ALSO...If there was any boubt in my marriage (adultry/abuse etc..) I would rather have my blood family make the decision.
Once Michel began the relationsip with Jodi...and had a family, Terri was no longer his main concern. And her family should have the right to divorce for her.
Bless her heart. May God hold her close and may His will be done for the right thing to happen. Beckie
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