Tuesday, March 22, 2005

All Things Under Heaven

Our earth is so beautiful...when viewed from space...gazing down at it, viewing it's beauty one could not dare believe the trials and tribulations that humanity has suffered.

It hangs there suspended in black liquid space glowing like a jewel plucked from the Creator himself. 

I just finished reading The Bible Code II and it scared the hell out of me.   In a strange way it validated what I've felt from the time I was a small child.  I used to dream that we came here from a different place, it's one of the reasons that I've always loved Startrek and StarWars....science fiction ... anything the mind can think of can eventually occur.  Look at Jules Verne written too many years before the ideas were even thought possible. Galileo, DaVinci, Newton and on & on..

Well, according to the Bible Code the end days are fast upon us..they found evidence of a code within the original Hebrew Bible written in the old Hebrew...predicting everything from the fall of the Twin Towers to Gore losing the Presidency to Bush.

The scarey part is that they claim this coming year 2006 is the year for disaster on a tremendous scale, causing our planets death.

If only people could stop the hatred, stop the killing and learn to love life maybe, just maybe we would have a chance.  As a race, we humans stand on a new threshold of future brillance, enormous discoveries  just waiting to be made.  Our sweat, our blood should be aimed at victories over disease, world hunger and averting deaths from huge natural disasters.

Will we have the time left to accomplish anything? If this code is correct we may not.  The author believes the codes were placed to be found as a warning that the future is a fluid state ever changing. That there are several alternatives to the outcome based on what we do now.  A couple of years ago I would not of believed in this as easily as I do now...but that was before the fall of the towers brought on by one evil twisted man...Bin Laden - oh, his name is in the book in code too, as is Bush, Clinton et al.

I just wonder what HE thinks as he looks at our little blue planet spinning so brillantly against the black sky.


Anonymous said...

Interesting entry indeed and I agree our planet is beautiful. All I can say is that Nostradamus who is supposed to have predicted everything including the French Revolution, Hitler and so on and so on, predicted the world would end in 2001 and we are still here.  If they find a vaccine to this new bird flu then the world could continue to thrive.  We can only hope.

Anonymous said...

it sure seems that the prophecies are fulfilling, but isn't there a quote from the bible that says something to the effect of no one can predict the exact time and day?

bible code ll would scare the hell out of me, too.   here's hoping that, with what time we have left, mankind will do something worthy of our planet and its creator.

Anonymous said...

Only God knows the exact time and date. It will not be predicted correctly. He is the only one with the knowledge. Though, I do feel the time is closer. God bless, beckie

Anonymous said...

I'm never certain whether to be scared or my usual skeptical self when reading about our inevitable demise. I'm as fascinated as the next girl about the Hebrew writings... then the Discovery Channel Special ends; I look around and realize that if this isn't Hell, then Hell could only be an improvement. After all, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished! Huh... I think I've just found my next entry. ~Peace