Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Big Brother Version 2008

I'm still trying to assimilate what I just read on AOL's news clips.  It seems that there is a company that is producing little bracelets that have the capacity to record where you are, follow you wherever and then if you act up...knock you on your assets.  Seriously folks, Big Brother has definitely arrived!

These bracelets would be fitted on every passenger flying, from babies on up to your 90 year old Grandma....that way it's fair to the swarthy, beady-eyed nervous gentleman who keeps clutching his briefcase. Unbelievable.   I'm sorry if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck...dam it - it could definitely be a duck.  Do you walk up and say...Oh, are you a duck? I don't think so, just grab the sucker and look for feathers.

I can't imagine a world where little babies, children are subjected to wearing something like this. There has to be some reason for all this insanity.  I know the world is not safe, it hasn't been safe since it was created folks.  The tragedy that was 911 brought home to us just how unsafe we all are. 

When people of ill will, evil men plot to do dastardly deeds it shocks us at our core.  That's the reason they do it. To shock us, to make a statement...they don't care about life, theirs or ours. So why would we care how they are treated once caught? We do care because of the fact that we are human. 

The Federal Aviation Board is studying this bracelet to see if it would work onboard. Of course, it will.  It's main purpose is that it is a mini taser and can take down a 230 pound man in a heartbeat...disarming whatever he had in mind. Actually, that's a good thing....see they have me thinking about it too.  But, you have people with pacemakers, heart conditions, breathing problems what if it goes off by accident?

 Can you imagine all this, the future is coming... 





Anonymous said...

Maybe not a bad idea for the airplane thing... but scary...

be well,

Anonymous said...

It's a scary reality. I asked Doc the other day is it me or is the world more frightening and ugly in some aspects than it ever was before. His reply was, the world has gotten angrier, ruder and yes threatening on a daily basis anymore. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

The last book of the Bible predicts such a thing...just s few steps away from the "mark of the beast" talked about in Revelation.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Until these things are proven to be safe and failproof I think they should stay well clear if they don't want a lot of lawsuits from accidently injured travellers. Jeannette xx