Perhaps I've been too sheltered from the facts of life for too long? My grandparents, on both sides, lived well into their eighties and beyond. Grandma Sophie was born in 1889, the year that the Statue of Liberty was installed in New York Harbor...oh, the sights that she saw in her life time. Coming from a cold water flat, using an actually "ice" box. Her "toaster" was an old fashioned contraption that you fit on top of one of the gas burners to toast your bread..I can close my eyes and I am back there at her kitchen table...waiting for my breakfast...wishing for some faster way to toast!
She marveled at the future as I marveled at her past. She lived to be 103 years family gave her a 100 year birthday party with relatives and friends coming from far distances to spend the day with her. She was healthy, in control of her faculties...eyesight was good, only her hearing was gone. But she communicated by writing, speaking and we did the same. With love. My Mom and Dad took very good care of Grandma Sophie and now the circle of life is still turning. My Mom & Dad just moved into a new house with my younger sister and her husband. My brother-in-law deserves a medal for the consideration and gentle way that he treats my parents.
It's hard bringing generations together, you definitely have to work at it. Clashes can happen, hell they do happen...but everything has to be tempered with kindness and love. My Mom and Dad have gotten a bit crotchety as they've aged (someone smack me please if I do) and any change such as a move like this is going to be upsetting. This is also on top of my 91 year Dad giving up his driving licence...he has been driving since he was 13 years old. (Didn't need a licence back then). But, I give him credit for realizing the time had come, his eyesight is not what it was nor are his reflexes agile enough to drive.
Anyway, I guess I have come to the conclusion that family is a wonderful thing...I love those who have passed and those in the of life
Yes, and what a beautiful circle that is, the circle of life. Thanks for sharing this about your grandparents. The new year always seems a good time for introspection. Thanks for taking us along.
Awww... Sandi... it is a tough thing to see happen, and yet, great that you all can work together as a family and take care of each other!!! Circle of life it is... and at this time of year... we do tend to reflect upon it.
Happy 2008!
be well,
You always capture the thoughts and feelings so well, Sis. I'm glad we had time to spend with our family this Christmas. Thank God for those who are willing to shelter and care for others - Mom and Dad with Grandma and now Barbara and Larry with Mom and Dad. I pray that they feel more peaceful about the move and changes over the next few months.
Very thought provoking entry!! I'm glad that things are working out with your family, nice to hear, also, of the memories you have of your Grandma Sophie!
Sandy what a lovely thought provoking entry this has been ~ Grandma Sophie sounded like a wonderful lady ~ Ally x
thank you for your thoughts.
My mom is failing these days.
Instead of thinking about life, why don't you get a job?
**I have worked almost non stop for 45 years, I would think that was quite enough. Actually, that's longer than you have been alive for, isn't it? Actually, I am still, dam it, working...lo..I have an Ebay over to the side
What is that saying anyway? Can't crack on someone with a wide back or is that rain water pours off? lol.
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