Thursday, February 2, 2006

Just Wondering...

   It seems appropriate to use my fire breathing Dragon for this entry...this news story is just over the top. 

  I just finished reading a news article on a group of radical Muslims who are threatening hotel owners, boycotting some European goods, brandishing guns, searching for European's to kidnap - all over a published CARTOON. 

  Now, folks, I'm not really into ridiculing any religion that's out there...but, I know, that I have seen cartoons ridiculing God, Jesus, Moses etc.  Did we Christians threaten mayhem and murder?  Nope, don't think so. 

  I keep on hearing and I have been told that the Muslim faith is one of peace.  I want to know where the peace is?

It seems to me that there should be some common ground for all religions to achieve peace. 

  So, what's next?  More murder, mayhem and the like? Like a spoiled child laying on the floor screaming it's head off, kicking like mad to get it's way...that's my view.  

 What makes them think that their religion is so sacrosanct? I really think the rest of the world needs to stand up for themselves and tell them to back off. 

  These people are like the old fashioned school yard give in an inch and they literally take the whole dang yard.


Anonymous said...

I know a lot of Muslims who are peace loving people. These ones you speak about are just the fanatics who we seem to get in every religion. We mustn't tar them all with the same brush most just want to live in peace. How can anyone get so upset over a cartoon for goodness sake?! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

The whole thing is totally out of proportion.  I am so fed up of always hearing about the Muslim faith and feeling bullied by it as this country always gives in to demands made by the Muslim Council it would seem..always trying to appease. What about live and let live and a bit less bullying other folks!!

Anonymous said...

Just another minority of big mouths making it bad for the whole....  its a shame.

Be well,

Anonymous said...

I can understand where you are coming from but I have to assert that there are crazy people in all religious denominations.  

Anonymous said...

Your commments on radical Islam are on target, dear.  Don't let anybody tell you any differently.
Missionary friends of ours were kidnapped by Islamic terrorists, held for ransom for over year while on the run in the jungles of the Philippines, terrorized, mistreated and finally one of them was killed during a rescue.
While many liberal or moderate Muslims are peace-loving, those who teach and follow radical Islam are enemies of all the rest of us.
Anybody who says differently is foolishly in denial.
loving you

Anonymous said...

i agree with you.  while i have met peace loving muslims, they seem to be in the minority.


Anonymous said...

Have you heard of the Crusades? Did the British Empire not include Aden/Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Iraq, Malaysia and the Sudan? Are your troops and weapons not currently in Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, Kuwait and Iraq? And you think the issue is about cartoons?

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight...I am not against any religion. I am against war, pain, suffering, untold masses being slaughtered, beheadings, torture, human bombs, IED's, turning planes into bombs and I could go on forever...all in the name of religion - no the cartoon was the excuse.  Sandi