Thursday, October 13, 2005


This past week has been filled with one sad moment after another.  There was one reporter who was standing by a collapsed school talking about the 150 little ones buried beneath the walls he was giving his report, another person was handing down one backpack after another from the collapsed building. I sat in disbelief looking at lost hopes & dreams in colorful packs that had somehow survived and their owners had not.

I do think the whole world is going mad.  We have raging fires in California, killer hurricanes in the Gulf, Flooding in South America with torrential rain, floods in the eastern part of the States, early blizzards out West, not to forget that awful this terrible earthquake.

What frightens me also is the fact everytime there is a major earthquake on the other side of the planet...within months we have one on this side...I guess kind of a pressure valve going off.

I've paid attention to quakes ever since I lived through some rough earthquakes in Japan - I mean I literally got tossed out of bed onto my butt...that's how strong the shake was.  It cracked our home's foundation (it was repaired) things fell down inside the house. Living through it can put the fear of God into you rather quickly. I can't imagine the fear that these people have after this quake, and then all the after shocks.

I know help will come to them, I know life will go always does.  Just the pain of the injured, the haunted faces of those grieving for their dead...the small children with the large vacant eyes - it is almost too much to bear.  I pray that it settles down in that area for a while...let them heal. 


Anonymous said...

It is all so dreadful. I have cried watching the broken bodies of little children being taken out.  We saw one woman who had lost her entire family. My heart breaks for them. What a sad world we live in today.

Anonymous said...

It is sad; I wrote about something similar to this in my journal yesterday. I'm providing a link only if you want to read it; it does mention why there are tragedies and its a Biblical perspective.

I've been in several earthquakes in Southern California, but nothing of the magnitude of disaster as currently happening in Pakistan.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you... ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

And on top of all that, I've been having dreams of the sky burning bright orange and Jesus standing amongst the flames with outreached arms.

It's all signs of the times Sandi.

Love U


Anonymous said...

I is so sad.  Took my breath away...

Be well,