Saturday, July 9, 2005

Hurricane Body: Well, we definitely know that summer is here. Here, in Florida we are getting early storms....this is a really early Hurricane...we normally tend to get them later in the season when the Gulf waters are warmer. We lost power this morning due to a tornado touching down quite near to where I live....I slept through the whole time to panic I was out of it! Now it seems that more bands will be marching through bringing fierce winds & heavy rains...even though we will not be hit full force by this little monster it still packs a whallop.

I'm just hoping that this is not a forerunner of events to come..last year was so totally ridculous the number of storms that hit this state. The Tampa Bay area was on so many alerts my head was spinning...people had their windows taped, boarded up - survival supplies on hand throughout our entire summer last year.

Then I hear a newscast this morning that in the 1960's they had a special program in place to test whether "seeding" the air inside a starting hurricane would reduce the destructiveness of the storm....well, they did two storms and they were not as destructive as they should of wouldn't you think they would delve into this program more? Oh, no...our great leaders that were, and our great leaders today...buckled to the complaints of Castro (yes, Castro) who said that we were able to direct the storms to hit HIS island..(shades of Dr. No!) and complaints from Mexico - their government complained that our doing the "seeding" reducing the strength of the hurricances would cause Mexico not to get their SHARE OF THE RAIN!!

I can remember hearing about this program when I was a lot younger...but didn't pay much the time I thought "Cool! What if they could do this?" When I heard no more about it I figured that the program was a failure and no one can really even attempt to control Mother Nature's forces. Now, so many years later I learn that was not the case. They could not PROVE that it was their "seeding" efforts that caused the two storms to grow smaller...and due to the disgruntled diplomatic ties we totally caved. Totally wrong.

Makes me question how many other "projects" were started, getting some results and "pulled" due to outside objections. Meanwhile, if we dare to even say something out of context about any other country we are villified


Anonymous said...

Hope you do not get as hard this year.  Interesting to hear about the seeding.  It does seem that lots of things are stopped these days due to objections from others.  Well, we badly need rain but we do not need hurricanes.  Wishing you well.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am new to your journal. I also live in Florida I am Miami. Our weather has been horrible all night and all morning. It is getting better as the afternoon passes. I agree so much with your all about me section. I look forward to reading your journal.
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Finally, This is the journal link I wanted. Glad you are safe Sandi.

Anonymous said...

I read your journal via Dornbrau's via my Mom telling me how many laughs you guys would give me!  She didn't lie!  Thanks for sharing your life.  I am near Gainesville and we were about taken under by last year's hurricanes (middle of the state????) but my sypmathies are with you.  

I had to comment because I did a research paper on cloud seeding (I am a VERY LATE bloomer! lol) and I found government documents in the library-there were so many blacked out lines, the only thing I knew for certain about the cloud seeding is that they did try it!  So, who knows, that conspiracy might be true!! LOL
Thanks for allowing me a glimpse of your life.

Anonymous said...

Dennis went through my hometown and I have not been home yet to survey the damage. I called and the electricity is still out so I am not coming back until Friday. Watch out for Emily!  

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Are you ok?  You haven't journaled lately!

Just thinking of you...

Be well,

Anonymous said... was the Founders of Home Depot and Lowes that objected to the "seeding" program..."What ?  No Hurricanes? What we we do with all this plywood??" for the Mexicans who wanted rain...they immigrated to L.A. and settled for smog. The Cubans immigrated to Miami and can now be seen waiting on 4 hour lines at Home Depots for their plywood!
 some conspiracies have strange outcomes!

great journal! Marc :)

Anonymous said...

Your journal is fascinating & I've enjoyed the read.....I really had to smile at the description you gave in "About Me". I guess the only place worse than Florida (I have several relatives there) is West Texas!       Jon (the faux cowboy)

Anonymous said...

love your journal great reading thanks for visting mine

Frosty Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh when I read your byline. Florida living sure is fun. And aren't we glad we raised our kids in safe envirornments, so that they could go off and settle in Babylon?
Mine did, too.
I remember reading a while back about a gov't experiment called HAARP, up in Alaska. Supposedly, they could mess with the weather and change it, if they wished. It scared the Bejesus out of me. Wonder what happened to that one? Maybe it's the gov't causing all these hurricanes! Nothing would surprise me. Think I'll go ponder that one while I go mop the floor.