Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Okay, I understand that people want religious freedoms.
Okay, I understand that a good part of the world just doesn't hold life dear.  But, I want to tell you that what has happened over there in Iraq is beyond belief....you have a woman who has given her life freely to be able to help people that she had come to love.

How is this woman repaid?  They, the assassins, shoot her in the head and literally take her life...a life that she had devoted to them. I have absolutely no respect for this religion and please let no one tell me it is just a few rotten apples, because by this point the "good" people would be up in arms...turning on these scum.

The dictionary defines Assassin as a secret order of Muslims that at the time of the crusades TERRORIZED Christians & other enemies by SECRET murder committed under the influence of hashish...well, the influence is gone replaced by pure hatred...enough hatred to be able to terrorize, torture, shoot, behead and proudly show it on TV hiding behind their masks.  Show your faces you sons of dogs! 

I believe in God, I believe in forgiveness, yet this I cannot forgive...I would not be able to turn my cheek..I also believe the bible said "an eye for an eye" because in my heart I know that these people view our way of life as a weakness, something to be stamped out and given the chance they will try.  Don't forget 9/11 or any of the horrific things they have done...

I wish the world was a better place.  I wish humanity could get along.  I wish that we could destroy the evil in this world.  What's so awful is that Margaret Hassan was making the world a better place.....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this is a cycle that seems to perpetuate itself in this world of ours...from the Christians doing it to the Pagans to the Muslims doing it to the Christians...etc...till this world takes human life less for granted there is no hope for a better future.

Anonymous said...

Some things will just never be understood ... some people are just so filled with hate and anger, that they will never be brought back to "good" ... whatever that is anymore.



Anonymous said...

Their hatred and atrocities are unexplainable, and that they do these things in "honor" of their faith is sickening. At what point in life will the people raise up and put a stop to this sort of faith based terrorism? It's gone on for so long and I imagine it will continue for well past my life.

Anonymous said...

very frightening...why can't we just all get along...

Anonymous said...

Gandhi once said: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Anonymous said...

How many times should one turn the other cheek?  I agree with you and Kimbellina.  They need to be stopped.    Dawn

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration. The worl is such a wicked place and it seems to be getting worse all the time. It is up to all of us to be the best person we can be, to try to show the misguided majority how to love others and not themselves only.
An eye for an eye in the Bible means that God wants the punishment to fit the crime. In biblical someone could be killed for the act of adultry. Keep that fire in your heart and use peaceful means to bring about a better way.


Anonymous said...

  Basically all they did was make Margaret Hassan a martar for doing what she thought was right despite the consequences.  The "good" people in that part of the world have been living with this terror for so long, they've learned to keep their mouths shut and live.

  Personally, I feel that if you want to kill someone for their beliefs, you should at least have the guts to let folks know who you are.  Not hide in case of retaliation...that's really standing up for what you believe in.


Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't understand how one can say Islam is a violent faith and yet not see the same qualities in Christianity and Judaism.  The Bible is filled with tales of genocide.  God even gets mad at times when the Israelites failed to kill all the men, women, and children.  And the history of Christianity has been nothing short of horrific.  If you're going to denounce one, you should denounce them all.


Anonymous said...

Dave...I agree all religion basically started in brutual fashion..depending on which side you were on....the key word is "started".  Bibical times are how long ago? When was the last a "Christian" beheaded someone? Inquiring minds want to know...Sandi