Friday, August 29, 2008

Jeeze who would of thunk it?

Well today's developments were not expected.  Emotionally I feel like I'm being played and I don't like it.

I really, really wanted Hillary to win...okay it didn't happen...get over it. Then I thought, okay Obama pick her as your running mate...good lord what a ticket!  Okay it didn't happen...get over it.

Now today I get up and discover that McClain has picked a woman to be his second in command! Talk about picking up leftovers at the table! Is this to appeal to all of us ladies out here in lala land who desperately wanted that glass ceiling to crash down in a testrone filled Washington?

The funny part is the news coverage I"ve seen so far is not making any big deal over the fact McClain chose a woman for the VP spot...why is that?

The powers that be that are behind McClain are pretty dam smart and determined to win.

Ironically, from what I've read about the Governor of Alaska I really like her....she sounds like one tough cookie.  Taking on the bad guys, yet managing to still keep her white hat clean.  Well, crap any woman who can manage a home, a husband, five kids, run a state - while pregnant and give birth during your term of office...has got my attention and respect.   I'm sure that is what John is counting on.  Pick up all those disgruntled Hillary backers with his female choice.

Her I would vote for....Him..not so much.  Well, anyway this whole race just got a lot more interesting...what a country!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again

I've been watching the Democratic Convention for the past several nights...actually enjoying the speeches.

I think Hillary delivered an excellent speech, filled with amazing grace.  I wanted her to win the nomination in the worst way, but it was not to be.  For the life of me, I cannot understand any woman who would not of voted for her.

Eighty some odd years ago our fore-mothers knew the power of togetherness.  They fought for and won a hard battle...they gave us the right to vote.  It wasn't easy for them, some of them were put into harm's way to achieve it. It disappoints me that young women of today do not respect what has gone one before in history.

When my grandmothers were born, they had few rights, little choices and certainly not allowed to vote.  Most men were of the accord that women did not possess a brain capable of thinking in the heavy realms of political bullshit.

There were a few brave men who stood by their valiant women in their struggles to achieve their rights. I'm quite sure they were looked down upon by their brethren.

Let me tell you something, the real power players in Washington don't respect women, certainly they do not want one in the Oval office.  Oh, yes, throw Conde at me..hell, if she were that smart she should be a democrat.

We are standing on the threshold of history, right here, right a nation we must make the right choice.  For our children, our's their future we are risking. America has during the last eight years been reduced in stature, finding itself stuck in a quagmire of a war that is draining our resources and killing the best of us.

Now is not the time to stand on party lines. I was a Republican for over 35 years...NOT ANY MORE.  The past eight years have been awful, let us not forget that the election itself was so totally in question. Of course, all that got blown away about the same time as the World Trade Centers.  Yes, we have to be armed, yes we need an army, yes we need to be able to protect ourselves our allied.

We do need protection from terrorists and we must have the ability to go after them wherever they are.

I am going to listen to Barack Obama tomorrow night when he makes his acceptance speech.  I hope America listens too, with an open heart.

Anyone out there that says they will not vote for him because they wanted Hillary is not thinking straight.  What Hillary said was so true....did you vote for her because who she was? Or did you vote because you knew she could bring change?   Obama will bring change.  Please vote.




Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rain & More Rain



Well, it seems that Faye is not done with us yet.  Since early this morning we have been hit with one feeder band of rain after another. I can only imagine what the upper panhandle of Florida is going through right now.

This rain came down heavier than any rain I have ever been through, and that's saying a lot because I have lived through many a hurricane and cyclone too. 

The sky can't seem to make up it's mind weather to let the sun peek through or send us back into the deluge mode. Living in Florida yuck....

Anyway, ducks, frogs - wading birds looking for frogs...are going to be extremely happy. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

J-Land Anniversary 5 Years Wow

Time marches on.  You can rant at it, try to hold back the clock,
till it makes a monkey out of you or you can flip it the bird and go about your business.

Eventually, it all come to nil anyway. No one has ever come out a winner against father time.

With reference to, it has been five great years since AOL started journal land. It has been a wonderful ride and I have met such great people along the way.  People who have shared their lives, their wants & needs...baring their souls for all to see.  I have stood and cheered their triumphs, especially when they overcome terrible odds, and have cried many a tear at the thought of their pain & anguish.  Even though some of the memories are painful, I still am glad that I had a chance to meet these wonderful people and that they thought enough of all of us to share their lives with us.

When I was a young girl I used to write in an old notebook making it sort of a journal, little did I know that I would be doing the same so many years later. I never saved the old journals, but my Mom saved my poetry that I had written when I was a teenager...some of it is posted in my poetry journal.

I've always felt that the written word is man's greatest creation, nothing else compares to it.  All learning comes from it, new growth emanates from it.

Happy Anniversary J Land....


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life & Time Are Fragile Things


 Well, we seem to be losing more and more entertainers this week.  I can't believe Bernie Mack left so early, he had so many more years it would of seemed. Maybe the good lord needed a truly funny man so he called him home early. Then I sit back down at the computer and I see that the king of wail...Shaft gone too.  Great entertainers, wonderful talents.  I guess you just never know, when the time is, it just is......

I've been watching a little of the Olympics and am very impressed with the way China has pulled it all together. Oh, I know they have a terrible record on human rights...but it's easier to change someone when you are standing next them then to try to do it beyond an iron wall.  The little girls who do the gymnastics are so fabulous, it's amazing the moves they can do. Just watching makes my bones

We have so many hot spots all around the world, now we get to add Georgia and Russia into the mix. It appears to me that it's the ordinary people who get caught up in the fighting and lose everything, sometimes their lives...hope it stops soon.

I also read that Iraq wants us to make a date that we exit their about tomorrow at noon? sounds good to me.

Well, got to go eat a very late dinner....