You really have to wonder. One senator after another seems to be falling by the wayside trapped within our nations moral demise.
Let's face it. Sex is the biggest motivator in the entire universe, it outdoes love, greed and stupidity all in one shot. But you have to ask yourself....just what the hell was he thinking? Enquiring minds would also like to know...just how do you achieve anything vaguely resembling sex by reaching under a partion? Is that the new "come up and see me sometime" come hither signal?
I've always thought of myself as a fair person, so with that in mind I listened to the tape of the officer as he was arresting Senator Craig.
Let me tell you that I found the officer to be a bully. He started out trying to be friendly (as long as the senator did not protest the arrest) but as soon as the senator spoke up for himself the office became more and more obnoxious in his manner. I truly believe that the senator was lead to believe that everything would be swept under a rug and not come to light if he agreed with the office. Isn't that a form of blackmail? Or at the very least intimidation?
Listen to the tape and make up your own mind. I have never liked these traps that the cops spring...sometimes it's almost like pushing a person into the situation.