Thursday, July 26, 2007

Slaughter of Innocence


The Angels are drinking for a reason...

Sometimes I read what's happening in the world today and it saddens me beyond all reason.  This horrific story of mayhem and murder that took place in Connecticut is one such story.

In this country we hold that all men are innocent until proven guilty. In this case we know they are guilty, they were caught red handed trying to escape from the awful scene of the crime.

What kind of human being can attack a family, beat the husband half to death. Tie up and rape all three females, including an eleven year old child. Then pour gasoline on the beds, setting a fire so that they die in the most horrible way.

Treating these guys nicely and respecting their rights is not what my mind is thinking right now.  I'm wishing we were back in the days of the old west.  Right now, the townsfolk would be storming the jail...these fellas wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell to survive the night. Swift justice. Not too swift though...pain for them would be good.

I cannot imagine how the father feels. Totally destroyed all his hopes, dreams for the future...his loves.

I don't really know too much about the creeps or their records. But to do this level of violence they have to have had a pretty good track record.  Too bad someone didn't shoot them years ago.

As far as child molesters go I think the first time it happens they should get life or amputation.  I think that's a good choice.


Monday, July 23, 2007

One Million? Make it Two....
Dear Sandra,

There's only one way to change America: together. There's only one way to make history: together.

And I'm so proud to have you by my side as we take our country back after six and a half years of cronyism and corruption, incompetence and deception.

Every "You go girl!" and "Give em Hill!", every letter of support you've sent, every dollar you've contributed, every friend you've recruited, every blog you've written, every house party you've attended, every petition you've signed, every time you've shown your support, every one of these things is the heart and soul of my campaign.

To put it simply: I owe the success of my campaign to each and every one of you. And to the skeptics who doubt the strength of our grassroots community, I say you've proven them wrong.

Now I want to share an astonishing -- and humbling -- number: 981,440. That's how many of you have supported my campaign for change.

Let's get to a million supporters.

Sign up your family and friends and coworkers. Have them sign up theirs. Tell them we're about to reach a million strong. Tell them we're making history together. And the person who is our one millionth supporter -- along with one of our current supporters, like you -- will travel with me and my team on the campaign trail to roll up our sleeves for a whirlwind day.

Click here to send a message to your friends urging them to sign up, or to sign up if you haven't yet joined the campaign.

Here's why reaching one million supporters is so crucial: because working together, there's nothing we can't achieve. It takes strength and experience to bring about change -- and it also takes cooperation. With your help, my campaign has come so far and now with your help we'll have the resources we need to win. I've told my campaign to come up with the strongest field program ever created, and I know you are a key part of that effort.

That's why we need you to ask everyone you know to join the campaign today: friends, family, coworkers -- everyone in your email address book! Visit our "One Million" page today:

I know you're with me every step of the way -- I see you on the campaign trail, at rallies and diners, house parties and town halls. It makes such a difference knowing I have such incredible support. Thank you for everything you do, and let's hit that one million goal!

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Well, why not a woman?  It's about time.  Men have hadyears to get it right, haven't they? Have they? Nope. 

You have here a bright, articulate, learned, experienced leader - one that has a passion within her to bring our country out of the darkness that has enveloped it for the past eight years.

And please grow up...I don't want to hear about Whitewater, failed banks or Monica under the desk.  I really, really don't give a damn about it.

Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...I think Hillary is stainless steel.

For those of you who are non-political, forgive me.




Monday, July 16, 2007

Shake, Rattle & Roll

Once again, Japan is being rocked and not in a musical way.  Everytime
I hear or read about an earthquake over there it takes me back, oh so many years, to my stay in Tokyo.
For those of you who have never experienced an earthquake, yes - the ground moves under your feet. You can be knocked down by it, I was tossed out of my bed one time onto the floor. What a way to wake up!
So I can understand what the people are feeling over there.
I received an email from Aikiko saying how scared she was and the little ones were too.  She had not experienced an earthquake for many years because of living here in Florida.  It makes it doubly hard to think that they are in harm's way due to our  governments stupidity.
If any of you are not familiar with her story please look back at my postings and you will see her whole story, it's very sad.  The more people who know about it, the better...maybe something can be done at ground roots level.  Government is supposed to be by the people for the people...not that we are under a dictatorship of rules and regulations that make no sense.  Our laws, our rules are a living, breathing entity in themselves...meant to be fluid for a reason. So they can be changed, if needed, by the people - for the people. 
So if you read her story and feel compassionate, please do forward the link page to others so that her story can be told. Maybe we can embarass the ones making these rules if enough of their stupidity is shown to the rest of the world.