When I think of my friend,
she is one I've not met.
Yet, through the net,
a friend she is to me.
She's laughed at my tales
Regaled me with hers.
Loved her Photography,
so good as to take
your breath away.
She cried for my hurts and
clapped for my awards.
I admired her convictions.
determination and soul.
Her family has become
dear to my heart.
Her daughter sings like
an angel, the world needs
to hear.
All of her children are
held very dear.
A battle she has been
waging against the evil C.
A warrior princess my
friend Kim will forever
Would that I could lend
you strength, I would
gladly do it my dear.
For now our many prayers
are aimed at heaven as if
our thoughts were arrows
straight to God's heart.
Fight on, the good fight
my friend, my beautiful
Irish Warrior Princess