Thursday, August 31, 2006

Homework Assignment #127

To me this little cactus guy represents a bit of summer.  After all he grows in really hot climates,  and he's quenching his thirst with a pretty good brew!

My little Haiku follows:

Blooms fade in golden light
Storms make ready to clean the air
Nightfall creeps in early


Friday, August 25, 2006

Short Scary Story

The day had started as usual, or so Susan thought.  As the day progressed she would come to realize just how wrong she was, for nothing was as usual.
Most people who met Susan were stunned by her quiet beauty.  It was the sort of beauty that grew with each day that you knew her. There seemed to be a radiance that emanated from within her.   She was one of the lucky few that had no perceptible flaws, never even had a blemish during her teen years!
She was starting to wake up and as she usually did tried to remember her dreams.  She felt achy as though she had done some heavy physical work during her sleep.  It was unusual that she could not remember any of her dreams this morning....very strange.
Susan stretched like an overfed cat across the bed, willing her body to come alive for the day.  She yawned, sat up and put her slippers on.  She made her way to the bathroom, accomplished her business, then went to the sink to brush her teeth.  Susan looked in the mirror and screamed....the face looking back at her was not her's, who was this stranger?  Was she still dreaming, trapped in some bizarre alternate reality?
She stared at the mirror.  This face was not beautiful, it was filled with pockmarks, scars from old injuries and, oh my God, it looked like new pustules were forming as she watched.  Oh, she prayed, please let me be dreaming..Okay I'll wake up now please.  Nothing happened, the face stared back at her, Susan decided to pinch herself maybe pain would wake her up.
"Ouch", that didn't work either.  Tears started to fall down her cheeks she was so terrified.
This is just impossible she said.  This face is older, complexion is darker, even the wrong hair color.  She had to find out what was going on, it was driving her insane.
She went to pick up her cell phone to call her best friend Kathy, but there was no dial tone.  Odd, the phone was fine and fully charged last time she used it. She decided to use the cordless instead,  heard a dial tone and started to dial for her friend.  A message came up..."Sorry we are unable to process your call due to interference on the line, please try again later."
Susan felt cut off from the rest of the world.  She decided to turn her computer on, maybe she could get some clue online as to what was going on.  The machine turned on alright, but all she was getting was the dreaded blue screen.  It just would not start up right.  Absolutely nothing was right.
Susan lived in a classy hi-rise Condo on Chicago's Lakeshore Drive.  She came from a family with money and wanted for nothing.  She barely knew her next door neighbor, but she decided with everything that had happened she had to get help somewhere.  So she went out of her apartment  and across to her next door neighbors, knocked on the door and waited for a response.
Susan could hear someone approach the door and look through the peek hole. She spoke up and asked "Could you please help me, I need to use your phone, mine is not working."  Silence is all that answered her.  "I know you are in there, please this is a matter of life and death, please!!" she said.
Slowly, very slowly the door opened.  Susan gasped! "Oh, my, how is this possible?"  She proceeded to faint dead away.  The last image she saw was herself standing over her body with a slight evil grin on that very beautiful face.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just Experimenting A Bit

I don't know about you, but I like penquins.  I haven't seen the March of the Penquins as yet, but I will.

Everytime I look at this little video up above I laugh.  It kinda reminds me of life in general.  You are walking along minding your own business and boom - smacked right in the head. 

The full cut of this video is funnier because you see all the others walking a head and this guy waits for the last one to whack him!  Why am I's kinda mean.

Of course, since the temps outside are so high and the combined elements makes it feel like 103 degrees I think of penquins...who would not be caught dead in weather like this.  I think our Zoos down here throw icecubes in their water to keep things cool.  Oh, the poor zoo in Tampa...

Late yesterday they had to shoot a beautiful Tiger that had escaped and almost made into where the public area was. They did try to sedate it first with darts, but it infuriated it further and did not work.  The head of the Zoo shot it with his rifle and tears in his eyes.  That Tiger had been born there...I know they will investigate and find out how it got loose but it's a shame that it had to die.

It's late, toodles.....


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm out of the headlines or oh, please give me 15 more minutes of fame

Sometimes I hear or read the news and I am so totally appalled by it that I just have to rant.
Terry Schiavo.  There, I said it.  Now, what does that name conjure up in your mind? Or, perhaps you thought Terry? Terry who? People and their stories fade in and out of our mind's eye as quickly as a disappearing rainbow. 
Well, about a year ago she fought for her life against all odds, finally succumbing under the weight of the Supreme Court.  She did not die fast enough for her husband so he fought for years to deny her even the least human interaction that may have prolonged her life.  I, mean for Christ's sake, they were not even allowed to brush her teeth or give her a gyn exam.  Years before, he insisted the feeding tube stay in...even though she still had the gag reaction needed to swallow. 
Okay, okay I know that there are those of you who are going...Oh my God, who would want to live that way?  You are right, no one would.  But it took years, and I do mean years for her condition to deteriorate to the point that it did.   No therapy, keep her family away...what the hell.
Alright, I had calmed down and believe me it took a while.  Today, however, I have to read about this piece of crap again.  All of a sudden, the politicians have decided that Michael Schiavo is the next biggest thing since white bread! 
He has decided, with their backing, to promote whatever candidate is running against people that opposed him with regard to his wife's condition and treatment.  Our boy wonder, who lives right here in Pinellas Park, a damn hop, skip and a jump from my own traveling the country downgrading anyone who stood up for Terry.  They have even set up a fund so that "goodminded citizens" can donate to the's called TerriPac.....I think TerrorPac is a better name.  You could write a wonderful horror story based on his and Terri's life.
Let's see, he was free to live his life, mess around...father children out of wedlock.  He could of given his kids his name earlier, but then again, he would of had to divorce Terri and that would of meant her loving parents won. 
But now he is on a quest....for what I don't know...revenge against people who wanted his wife to live.  Yeah, I'd vote for who he votes for....when hell freezes over.  I hope he gets ignored now, like poor Terri slowly dehydrating to death for fourteen days.....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Life Goes On....

Well peace seems to be holding in the middle east, just keeping fingers crossed that it will last a while.

Now the people have to pick up the pieces of their lives, whatever little is left to them, on each side.

War is hell.  Sounds simple doesn't it. You would think that people would go out of their way to avoid warfare, wouldn't you? We see images of death, destruction and despair etched upon the faces of the haunts us, yet we still fight.  I fear mankind will never learn.

For what? that will be here long after all of us have turned to dust?  Not only that, most of the land fought for is not fit to live on....mostly sand, no water, little vegetation.  Oh, I should take that back, it has been watered recently, only with blood.

The best suggestion that I heard recently on a TV news interview was that Jerusalem should be made an "open" city, having appointees from the UN running it.  That would remove a huge bone of contention between the Jews & Arabs.

I often wonder if the powers that be look down upon our beautiful little blue sphere hanging in space against a starlit background..and if they wonder why too.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hatred In Full View

I think the world had better listen.   Can you hear it when you look at these pictures?  I can...pure, unadulterated hatred to the max or should I say death?

None of these photographs made the news here in the United States that I know of.  This was a demonstration in England several weeks ago and a British friend forwarded this.  At the time, I looked, viewed the pictures, shook my head and forgot about them...until today.

Given the fact that the British have caught more than twenty members of a terrorist group plotting to blow up several aircraft heading from Europe to the States....I find reading the signs that these bastards are carrying very informative.

I do hope that the Brit's took cameo shots (good head shots at that) of each and every one of these demonstrators.

It's unbelievable, but the word must of been on the street, heard at curb level....."Europe your 9/11 is coming, Europe you will pay! your 9/11 is on it's way!" The rest of the signs are crap too.

Any religion that puts signs of death in the paraders hands is no dam religion. 

Before the towers went...the terrorists had a plan to make twelve aircraft blow up crossing the Atlantic in a select time period.  I guess they were envisioning "human fireworks" exploding as if set to musical timing like the fourth of July exhibits.  To what point are they doing this? To achieve what? Mayhem, break up society to the point where we are shaking in our boots?

Well, what the hell.....I'll give up my time and stand in line to be checked, give up my water, my makeup and anything liquid.  Shoot, if necessary make it no carry on except a wallet or purse. Someone trying to scare me, makes me angry and quite willing to get down and dirty too.

Besides, New York is my town, the twins were part of my youth watching them grow to take their place against the skyline....they will be forever etched in my mind's eye. Still rooting for them to catch Bin Laden and his inner group.  Death is too good for them. 

These bastards need to be caught, how dare they consider your life or mine less than theirs? The audacity to believe that their religion is the be - all of all religion.....excuse me while I gag.

The Moslem communities around the world ask us to not judge them by these radical few.   What can we do?  I see men, boys, women carrying these signs...granted some of them have their faces so wrapped as to be not seen.....that alone makes you go ....hmmmm.

All of this against a backdrop of killing in the middle east, the world seems to know no peace....all in the name of religion.