Monday, November 29, 2004

Tis the Season

Oh, I feel like I lost the last two weeks.  I've been jumping from my house to my sister-in-laws so much that I feel like a yo-yo.  Tommorrow I have to get my head together and catch up on cleaning etc.  I also have to knuckle down and get my items photographed for E-bay.  I have so many starwars items which would be great for Christmas, stocking stuffers etc.

I feel that as you get older the time just sister and her husband were in from Washington State for Thanksgiving, they had a nice time. I'm probably losing time too because it seems strange not to have my hubby here on a daily basis..that's taking some time to get used to.

I still don't know if I'm going up to New York for the holidays or not...hopefully I'll know by the end of this week.    Well, this is a short entry because I'm kind of tired from all the week's festivities and cooking it's an early night........

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Okay, I understand that people want religious freedoms.
Okay, I understand that a good part of the world just doesn't hold life dear.  But, I want to tell you that what has happened over there in Iraq is beyond have a woman who has given her life freely to be able to help people that she had come to love.

How is this woman repaid?  They, the assassins, shoot her in the head and literally take her life...a life that she had devoted to them. I have absolutely no respect for this religion and please let no one tell me it is just a few rotten apples, because by this point the "good" people would be up in arms...turning on these scum.

The dictionary defines Assassin as a secret order of Muslims that at the time of the crusades TERRORIZED Christians & other enemies by SECRET murder committed under the influence of hashish...well, the influence is gone replaced by pure hatred...enough hatred to be able to terrorize, torture, shoot, behead and proudly show it on TV hiding behind their masks.  Show your faces you sons of dogs! 

I believe in God, I believe in forgiveness, yet this I cannot forgive...I would not be able to turn my cheek..I also believe the bible said "an eye for an eye" because in my heart I know that these people view our way of life as a weakness, something to be stamped out and given the chance they will try.  Don't forget 9/11 or any of the horrific things they have done...

I wish the world was a better place.  I wish humanity could get along.  I wish that we could destroy the evil in this world.  What's so awful is that Margaret Hassan was making the world a better place.....

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Just Rambling On

Well, success...Joe said his day went very well and that the new company seems to be pretty decent.  I'm so glad, I know it's hard starting a new's like anything new it's the unknown.  We all get so comfortable in the little ruts that we find ourselves in..sort of like being in  a warm cocoon not wanting to escape or break free into the unknown.....until we hit a bump in the road then we find ourselves stripped of all our comfort zones facing our fears.

Speaking of facing your fears, say a prayer for our boys in harm's way....hope that the fighting is over quick and the losses are very slight.  Freedom has never come easily for this nation, it has always had a high cost. I feel so bad for the parents, wives, husbands, children, lovers, et al..who have lost someone because of war.  If wishes could come true...I'd wish for no more war of any kind...just peace and friendship around the world.  A world where no child would ever feel pain, hunger, anger or evil...

Age old question.."Why can't we get along?"  Is it because we are so different?  I don't see that we are...we breathe, we move, we love, we hurt, we bleed.....there should be a feeling of unity in just being human...

Is it really a case of my God is better than your God?  I don't believe ANY God would be happy with that.  When people make reference to the Great Crusades and call America the great evil they are living in a past so far away as to be ancient.  For a new country, which we are, we've accomplished so much...but we have to be wary and not take on the worries of the entire globe on just our shoulders lest we succumb as other civilizations have before us.

Anyway...prayers of all kinds can't hurt......

Sunday, November 7, 2004


Hi everyone....I'm jumping up and down doing the "Happy Hampster Dance".... After a tense month...Joe was hired.  I want to thank everyone who wished good wishes for us....I believe all that positive energy really worked.

Thursday morning Joe went for an interview in Oldsmar and basically was hired right away.  Thursday afternoon we get a phone call from one of the companies that he had applied for in Sarasota and they want to hire him also.  Well, the second one was offering more money, so he called back the first company and explained the situation.  They said that at this point they could not match the other's offer but that if the other job did not work out please call them and they would hire him.  That kind of gave us a safety net...made Joe feel really good about himself.

The only downside is that he will be traveling, but he's done it before and we've lived through it.  Only this time, I'm facing the "empty nest" syndrome.  Oh, I have enough work here to keep me busy for years if I put my mind to it.  I also am going to have to play gardener while Joe is gone...watering, weeding, raking...hey, wait...maybe I'll lose weight that would be a good thing!

I just hope that everything goes easy for him tommorrow I can remember the feeling of starting a new job, even when you are sure of yourself & your skills it's a bit intimidating.  Oh, and we did find out the reason, at least what his ex-boss is saying...he told one prospective employer that Joe refused to work any overtime and also would not work on weekends.  This lie came from a man who had sent Joe to work at a place where you could only work nights to build...after putting in a full day.....then to have him take off the day after to "rest"...right!! It was so that no overtime was paid.  He even tried to get unemployment benefits denied...that didn't work either.....they looked at eight years employment and now you decide he's not doing enough?  It also seems that he is trying to hire additional men...I do believe he will regret treating Joe as shabbily as he has.

Anyway, back to positive things.  I feel good about the changes..sometimes life needs a kick in the seat...just to stir things up so that you don't stagnate.  He's worried about me getting lonely, but I've always been able to entertain myself with music, art, writing....this may give me the chance to continue on the little novel I had started.  I'm not the greatest on the computer and my novel was "stuck" in word...did not know how to move it anywhere until Kimbella1957 taught me how to drag, paste, copy....I can finally do it!

Also, I've been pet free for about two years now and I don't like it.  My daughter wants me to come up to New York for Christmas & New Years....but I think maybe after that we talk about getting another puppy.  We had a beautiful small boned Dalmatian named Katie, even when she was seven years old she looked like a puppy. Well, she used to go out and run on our property, we have a half acre, one night she just disappeared.  We think someone passing in a car grabbed her....she never left the property before on her own.

Well, I am looking forward to tommorrow night when Joe will call and hopefully everything will have gone well for him....thank you all again for your thoughts & prayers.....Sandi


Thursday, November 4, 2004

Good To Be Back

We are back...seems like a month rather than two weeks...the garden needs water, the grass needs cutting....things grow whether you are there or not!

Joe put in a bunch of resumes, went on several we are waiting...he has one appointment tommorrow morning in Oldsmar.  Just keeping our fingers crossed.

I've been busy trying to jump start my E-Bay Store, adding alot more things to it....if anyone is looking for nice, healthy plants or collectible dolls etc. please visit my store....this is the link to it..

Okay, enough self promotion.  I really missed writing in my journal, I found that I could access AOL at my sis-in-laws but with three little ones around..."Grandma Sandi" was really busy reconnecting to the under ten age group.  All three of the kids had a ball trying to help me line up, and photograph over forty (40) Trolls that I was putting up on ebay.  They helped brush Troll hair and came up with all kinds of interesting stories about the Trolls..the other adults in the house were amazed that the kids were so quiet and diligent in getting the Trolls organized.  It actually was fun!

Mark and his cousin Emma are the same was like they were twins....Sarah is a very mature nine year old..sort of like going on thrity!  I sort of put her to work one of the days and taught her how to make stuffed grape I was doing that I told her stories of when I was young, about my grandfather teaching me cooking.  She did very well, turns out though she likes the inside of the leaf but not the outside...I told her it's kind of a developed taste...maybe as she gets older.

Mark and I have a "movie thing" going on.  He's into super heros and I've never outgrown them.  It's very easy for him to bring the "inner child" out in me. So we sit and discuss the different movies we have both seen and we plot how to get to see the ones that we want next.  He showed me a little statue of the Empire State Building and I asked him if he knew about King Kong climbing it? Of course, he didn' I have to find the old King Kong movie the one with Fay Wray...I think Markie will love it.  For Halloween, we watched "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" it's so campy it's classic....and he loved it.

Little Emma is a real girlie-girl....loves to wear dresses, and already bats her eyes at age four! She's going to be a heart breaker when she grows up.  I had a special Barbie that was dressed like a princess with her hair done up and a delicate pearl necklace on...this became Emma's best friend.....I don't think Barbie will ever go out of style!

Anyway, have to keep this short for now...stuff to catch up on in the house....I'll write more towards the end of the week....

Just wanted to say a huge "THANK YOU" to everyone that left such wonderful helped to uplift our spirits knowing that other people do care....thanks again.......Sandi