Thursday, October 21, 2004

Life In General

Well, I've been busy as bee...redoing hubby's resume - trying to bring it more current.  It looks pretty good, I have to run off more copies for him.  He went down to Sarasota to check out the jobs down there, we were figuring that there would be more work because of the hurricane damages.  His sister, very nicely, offered to let him stay at her house while all this is going on.

So he's in one direction and I'm in another.  I will be headed down there over the weekend though, his other sister and niece came in from New York tonight...I look forward to spending some time with them.  Her hobby is genealogy as is we get along pretty good.  Her little girl is so adorable .. she took one look at me a couple of months ago when they were down here and refused to call me Aunt Sandi...she said.." NO!...Grandma Sandi." ..LOL...I laughed so hard.  So for the whole trip I was Grandma and I didn't mind...she's the same age as my own grandchildren whom I miss. Well, I still have alot to do to prepare for my trip so I really have to get away from this computer.   I'll try to do some entries while I'm down there....Toodles......

Monday, October 11, 2004

I Need To Rant A Bit

I don't know if it's because I'm so angry but everything I go to do today fights with me....I'm definitely out of harmony with the universe!

What has me so totally twisted is the fact that my husband was fired this morning, after giving his best to his company for over eight years.  He is the oldest employee, longer there than anyone else.  Asked, over the years, to perform projects above and beyond the call of duty...which he did out of respect to the owner.   There were months on end where he had to work out of town, told only he could run the men....then came the large projects like shopping malls that could only be done at night.  He literally had to change from being a 4:00 am get up and go guy to working all night and dragging himself to bed at 9:00 am...not healthy at all!

Did his employer care? Oh, yeah..plenty of lip service, "gee, really appreciate it pal"..."Oh, JoJo do me a favor?" Man, I don't curse but I would like to rip this idiot from stem to stern and then start again with his toes to his ears.  Oh, granted there was an occasional "bonus" but not what he is really worth.  People get taken for granted, used up, ground down during the daily grind and spit out when they start to get old.

My husband is not one to stand and watch a crew work, he is hands on. I've seen him do things that men half his age wouldn't dare do.  I don't doubt that he will locate another job, he's talented - it's just that something like this takes the heart right out of you.  He also was not even given a reason for being terminated...just told..."You are no long needed in this company".  So you wind up trying to second guess Why?.  The only thing we came up with is that on Friday, he had been sent to a job where other carpenters had been working from his company....something wasn't right with the job, the client was unhappy.  His supervisor called at 1 PM and asked if he could work overtime... hubby said "No, he had a prior committment" (our 29th year of meeting anniversary - was important to us) 

The Supervisor said "Okay...I'll do it myself"....hubby went back to work about 2:20 the Supervisor calls back and says "hey, I just found out I have are going to HAVE TO do it"...hubby refused...they sent two other guys to the job and he left at the regular time.

So I'm looking at a scenario where the Supervisor is a bit of a scumbag (that's not cursing) websters defines as a despicable dirty person.  I believe he didn't want to take the heat from the owner and made hubby the fall guy for the whole fiasco at the job.  Friday was the first day hubby was there, he said so much was wrong that the client was right to scream at the owner.

There were so many times, in the past, where he was working and another contractor would try to woo him away from his company...I wish now he had, I regret his giving any kind of loyalty to this company.  I sometimes wonder how a man, like the owner, can even sleep at night? How do these people do it?  No moral center? He has always claimed to be a Christian...but I guess that was more of a show to get more churches to build.  Well, you won't have hubby to help you build any more churches...or stand silently by you when people praise "your work".  

I'm sorry this is so long winded...but I really need to vent...if I had a "safe" room right now I'd be throwing knives or using a bow & a specific target.  So venting is the way to go.

Is it that people just get tired of one another? like a bad marriage? But at least there you do have a bit of warning.  Here they pat you on the back till the last moment...right before the kill...trying to suck that last bit of whatever it is that they think they are getting out of your body & soul.

I've got to try to cheer him up a bit....his ego feels like a useless piece of crap sitting on a garbage heap........and he's angry. 

Saturday, October 9, 2004


This has been a nice sister was in from Washington State, my Aunt and cousin were here also from Maryland.  I've not seen my Aunt and cousin for lord so many years it hurts.  Just getting on with the business of living sometimes takes you away from really living it.

In the time since I last saw them, we have lost my Grandmom, my Uncle Billy and my Uncle George.  But this week they lived in our memories, in tall tales and visually captured on video by my sister Barbara.  Watching them interact with each other and we who are still living was a touching moment almost too hard to bear.  Especially my Uncle George..he loved to capture everyones image on camera...he had every photographic gadget known to man...I can remember almost being blinded by his light display for his 8 MM movie camera..when I was a child.  My cousin, Tina, told me that George had transferred alot of the old movies onto video...Oh, I really would love to see them.

Why is it that when we are children time seems to move so slow? I can remember thinking as a child.."ohh wait till I grow up and I can do what the adults do, like stay up..go out dancing"...but now I realize it wasn't so much to grow up..but it was the thought of being able to accompany "them" that I was longing for.

This week we laughed so much our cheeks hurt.  Remembering funny, quirky family the fact that my Grandma loved to dress up to go "downtown"...she went the whole nine yards...full bath, powder everywhere, nylons, a dress not done to perfection, doing her makeup seated at her wonderful old burled wood makeup table with the three mirrors set just right.  Oh, not to forget the matching shoes, pocketbook, hat and lordy don't forget "the white gloves".

Oh, I close my eyes, I can smell the combination of Noxzema and baby powder filling the room.  Now Grandma would do all of this we would be all dressed as well...proceed to the bus and head Granby Street.  Grandma never learned to drive and neither have I...strange.  We would head into the stores, mainly looking at clothing...and look and look and look...I cannot remember her buying anything. It always seemed that she had found just the right thing that she needed and at the very last second she would talk herself right out of it!

I just have to laugh remembering her...comparing notes with my cousin it seems I was not the only one who noticed this strange behavior on Grandma's part.  She was lucky though she had so many people that bought her beautiful things she really didn't need to shop....just drop a hint and she got it.

My Aunt was mentioning how much everyone missed Grandma's house.  My cousin Nicky had visited Norfolk , had found himself parked in front of the house, just staring at it and all it's memories. There are certain places that stay within your heart forever marking a time in your life always remembered with great fondness.  I hope that the new owners have gotten as much joy from the place as we did growing up.

They say that you can't go home again.  I think I know that. But I still want to revisit where I stepped as a child, walk along the stone wall fence on my way to the little ocean inlet where I used to fish with Grandpa...checking out all the pink trees and hummingbirds along the much changes and yet nothing changes.

Love you all.   Till We Meet Again

Testing font size

How is this how is this

Friday, October 8, 2004

Martha Behind Bars

Well it's finally done.  Martha slipped quietly into the jail compound area without any might say she had a cloak of invisibility around her.  Much to the dismay of the crowd gathered to track her every move.  Bravo, I say, good...let her have some peace.

She's woman enough to stand her ground, serve her sentence, get it over with, take her medicine, bite the bullet, go for the gusto, grab the brass ring......oops..she's already climbed that ladder of success...firmly hitting her head on the glass...THUMP!!!  She should of realized, long ago, you have to belong to the "good ole' boy group" to pull any crap on the stock market. 

I highly doubt that any of our famous "Robber Barons" of yesteryear would of withstood half the scrutinity that Martha has been put through.  I do feel so much SAFER with the flower lady behind bars....don't you?

Just testing...print is not right ... too wavy too small...I feel like one of the three bears...who's been messing with my print?

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Homework Assignment..Make A Holiday

Well, for one thing I would want the holiday to fall on a everyone a three day weekend...Yea!!

I firmly believe that this day should be called the "The Unique Day" needs to be spent doing what really turns you on.

Everyone could go around saying.."Oh!! Look MY holiday is just around the corner!"  Then they could celebrate to their hearts content doing whatever, with whoever they want...and blame it all on the Uniqueness of the day!  

Ya gotta understand...Mom, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa....etc. all have their day...........this holiday would be for all the people that fall through the cracks in holidays...poor, lonely souls that never get to celebrate......

The only requirement would be that you would have to spend the day doing something fun, something Unique...something you had not tried keeping  with the spirit of the holiday.

Wednesday, October 6, 2004


After living a long, full life....Sandra Lee Doscher, age 103, passed from this mortal coil on All Hallows Eve.  It is said that she succumbed  in front of her "antique" computer.  They found on the screen a half written Halloween tale....she was continuing the tradition of telling a "scary story"shortly before her favorite holiday...some people are claiming  that she had scared herself to death.  Sandi, as she preferred to be called, is survived by her husband of sixty years, three children, 8 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandbabies...It is also rumored that she will try, aka Houdini, to return..the sign will be the other half of the story appearing mysteriously.  She will be missed....her tombstone shall read

"Till We Meet Again"