Thursday, September 30, 2004

Scarey Story Part Deux

In their haste to exit the door, Sabrina tripped and fell directly on the dreaded black bag. "Oh, my God!" she yelped as she fell....not wanting to touch what she knew was in the bag.  The rest of the group turned back to help her...Seth reached her first, pulling her upright and away from the bag.

"Oh, no, no, no" she moaned..."I touched it!!"A sense of calm descended upon the group...they gathered around their friend to try to soothe her. Angie said "Listen, I don't know where we were running to.....Josh won't be back until tommorrow with the van". "Yeah, we have to wait, it's too far to walk, especially in the dark" said Tony.

"Let's go back inside where it's warm and bright at least" said Angie.  Sabrina let herself be led back into the cabin, she felt herself being lowered into one of the overstuffed chairs...she closed her eyes and let herself drift.

Tony motioned to the others to come into the kitchen. "I didn't want to get her anymore upset, but I noticed something funny about that bag". Angie and Seth said almost in unison .."What??" "This is really messed up but I swear that I saw the bag move a bit!"  Angie said "Oh, no - nothing could be alive in there..could it?"  "Now I'm scaring myself silly".   Seth said.."well, you know what we have to do, don't you?" The other two shook their, no,no.....but Seth continued "we have to and I mean HAVE to open that bag"

"Okay, if we do it..we do it together, but first I want to get something" said Tony.  He reached around Angie, opened one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a huge butcher knife.  "Now, I feel better"..he said.  The threesome slowly entered the living room heading even slower for the front door..stepping nearer, nearer and nearer with each passing second.

Tony, again, was first at the door...he grabbed the door handle, turned it and yanked it wide open...all in one fell swoop..not giving themselves time to even think about it.  Standing in front of them was a tall, gaunt figure of a man dressed in total black holding THE BAG.   Angie almost fainted with fright, Tony stepped back a bit and Seth's heavy breathing belied his steady gaze at the man in black.

"Oh, MY!!" said the stranger..."I didn't mean to frighten anyone, I'm so's just that my automobile broke down and I'm trying to find help".

Tony gathering his wits about him asked "Who are you and what's in the bag?" Now Tony was not painting a pretty picture standing there with a butcher knife poised ready to strike...but the man in black started to tell his tale...

"I'm a traveling salesman, I've covered hundreds of miles today...normally I would be pulling into a motel just about now and resting"  "But, my office had received a call telling me to come out on this route that there was a customer near here that really needed our merchandise.  Do you know where 7235 Wells is?"

Angie, Tony, Seth and a now awakened Sabrina looked at each other before answering...."Whew!! why that's our address, right here..said Angie". "Who asked you to come here?" asked Seth.

The man in black replied "He said his name was Raji Rapoor".  All four gasped together at once..

"What's in the bag????" asked Sabrina.  The man in black samples of course..."Samples of what???" asked Tony

Small minature to illustrate what the finished product will look like to my clients. said the man in black....

The four friends decided not to spend the night, in fact they decided never to ever go back to the cabin in the woods....ever

PS. Right before they left they threw the Ouija Board and Pointer into the fireplace...the dying embers caught the board quickly.  If you listened hard enough you could hear a soft head, my head...ohhhhhh

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Scarey Halloween Story

It was a cold, miserable night...the winds were howling, pushing the trees against the roof of the little cabin in the woods.  Slivers of rain poured in torrents off the sides of the roof, every lightening bolt made the occupants of the cabin jump.

Four people huddled together, sitting in front of a roaring fireplace, seeking warmth.  They were all young very alive and bored to death.  Seth, a nice looking young man of about 20, turned to Angie, a not quite beautiful - but almost there girl of about 18, asking "Ange, don't you have something we could play? Take our minds off this storm? Damn boring just to sit."  Angie smiled, turned to the other girl, asking "Sabrina..where did we put that one board game? You know, the one where you ask the board questions and it answers you?"

Sabrina started to get up, she was a real beauty with dark flowing hair, pleasant smile..."oh, let me look, just a minute I'll find it" as she exited into the next room.  The other young man in the room started to get up saying..."wait a second, I remember seeing it when we loaded in the's in the kitchen"..Sabrina turned to him and said "Oh, Tony you notice do you keep it all in your head?"

Within minutes the two of them returned bantering with each as couples tend to do.  Sabrina held the game in her arms, "where do you want to play?" she asked the group.  They pulled a small cocktail table over by the fireplace so they could see better and opened the game.  They started to position the pointer shifting positions slightly so that all four would be able to lightly touch the pointer surface.

A sudden burst of lightening illuminated the whole room casting hideous shadows of imagined creatures against the walls, just at that moment the pointer zoomed to "Goodbye".  "Hey! Come on guys, don't fool around " said Angie.  Tony, Seth and Sabrina looked at one another and said in unison "No, we didn't do anything..we didn't move it really".Angie said  "Ok, let's start again but really concentrate this time please".

This time theboard seemed to have a life of it's was moving easily on the different letters, first an R, followed by A J I R A P O O R.."Hold it, hold it" Seth shouted's spelling out a name! Raji Rapoor..look! Sure enough it was. "Oh" groaned Sabrina " I know that name". "A few years ago, there was a horrible murder committed in our town...they found this poor young man's body murdered and his head was missing!!"

Tony said "yes, I remember that...they never did find his head did they?" Sabrina shook her head no.  The others looked at each other and Angie said "Well guys the board is evidently trying to tell us something...unless one of you is doing this..why don't we continue and see what else it will say?"

They started to play again, this time addressing the board as Raji, asking who he was, what had happened on that terrible night years ago? The answers started slowly coming off the board one letter at a time...Seth had opted not to touch the pointer this time, but instead to write down all the letters that were flowing off the board.

It started with an..I  W  A  S  M  U  R  D E  R E  D B Y  A  R I  V  A   L  M  Y   W  I  F  E  A  R  R  A N  G  E  D   I  T...M  Y   H  E   A   D  I  S   I N  A  B L  A  C  K  B  A  G  A  T   U  R  D  O  O  R..

Then the pointer just stopped. Nada, movement...the group breathed a deep sigh jointly..Seth said..."Yum, guys...err..we have a problem..ummm." " Come on spell it out, what's wrong?" Angie wanted to know.  Seth handed the paper that he had been writing on to Angie, she started to read it and her face went totally white. Sabrina grabbed the paper, saying "okay, a jokes a joke but it's not funny anymore"  She looked down at the paper and it said:

I was murdered by a rival, my wife arranged it, my head is in a black bag at ur front door.

Tony, either out of bravery or stupidity, reached the front door first...gingerly opening it - there sat a black bag.   "I'm not opening that bag" Tony said.."in fact, I'm out of here"  The rest of the group grabbed their coats and ran for the door...

What do you think was in the bag?  Who do you think placed it there?

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Life or Death???

Well here we go again.  Here in Florida we have a very sad case of abuse taking place.  We have a woman who has been under a death watch for years...being held hostage in a horrible tug of war between her parents and her husband.

Last year, after God knows how many years, enough people were up in arms over this woman's treatment that Governor Bush stepped up to the plate and had a law passed that protected her rights as an individual.

Today, our wonderful State Supreme Court overturned the law on one technicality.  Now the ball is back in the parents they press on? Find that last bit of inner strength to try to defend their beloved daughter's right to life?

Right now I'd really settle for a King Solomon's judgement, it would be better than the crap we get from our Supreme Courts.  But, unfortunately, I believe the husband would allow "his" baby to be split in half rather than to walk away and let the people that love her take care of her.

For the love of God...this woman breathes, she smiles, her eyes are open....who knows what she thinks?  If this is allowed, this is the start of something very ugly my friends...really.  Do you want someone else to decide the quality of your life?  Well, if this goes this way...that's what is next.   Oh...what about people who have woken up after years in a coma?  I guess they should feel grateful they weren't married to someone like this guy.

Oh, in case you are wondering, the husband has forbidden any theraphy for her FOR YEARS!!! He also has in previous years stopped her FAMILY from even visiting her...he didn't want her videoed either...what does that tell you?

I tell you a dog has been treated fairer than this woman....

I'm adding this web site to this entry..didn't have it explains about Terry and her parents fight..

I'll put it in comments too I'm not sure the link is working up here......Sandi



Monday, September 20, 2004


Hear Ye Hear Ye...the winner is MzGoochi......her winning line was:

LOOK OUT BELOWWWWWWW!!!!!!! have a zany sense of humor and it is appreciated by pick a funny picture, get everyone to come up with a tag line and you have (1) day to do it in...

Running a close second was DvlWitGrnEyes...and referencing Alfred Hitchcocks.."The Birds"

Her site is..


Sunday, September 19, 2004


I actually won something...Yeah!!! I don't know if these pictures are funny enough...I'm trying to choose from three of them....Anyway I'll post it soon so that you can give them a line tag...these pictures belong to my son credit where it is due...thanks.. Last time there were ten of us that played...come on and join'll only win laughter...but that's a good thing....

Just what does this picture say to you?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Halloween Party..Parti..Parti...

Ohhh...ohhhh I love Halloween. My hubby was born on November of course he loves it too.  My sister is born the day before Halloween, so of course I used to tell her "that the witches brought her to us"...I was mean.  But now we are the best of friends.  sibling rivalry being what it is.

oh my goodness too many choices, look at the costumes above..I think even at my age I'd look grand as Catwoman with a whip. all dressed in black leather...whew!!! I'd have to put Joe into the Straight Jacket before the party!  I kinda liked the white outfit for him...kinda of a "Silence of the Lamb" type thing...ooh can't make up my mind.

Oh, but look at that Gladiator! Whew...he might have to put me in the straight jacket!  Oh I like the spookly ghost lady too...really erie looking...I could do little weird howls all night long.

Nope, Nope I found it by sheer favorite of all time...used to collect her comic books.  Still mad that they took Buffy & Angel off.  Oh, goody! I'll cover the mirrors so I don't cast a reflection, get rid of the garlic in the fridge, ban Joe from bringing any holy water home, and hide all the crosses.

Just call me Vampi!  Oh and Joe...he'll be the guy in the Gladiator Outfit.......Get ready to party.

Homework Assignment #24..Wedding Music

We had a small wedding in Tokyo, my immediate family flew over, courtesy of Air France (Dad worked for them at that time).

It was held in one of the hotels in downtown Tokyo, food was served banquet style and the room was nicely decorated.  We had a small band and for our first song we chose "More" the theme from Mondo Canne...(which, if memory serves me correctly..was an awful movie about terrible, odd things in life)  But, both Tom and myself loved the theme music!

My husband was also very fond of Nat King "Red Sails In The Sunset" was also on the menu....I can close my eyes and hear "See the pyramids along the Nile...."

I really didn't  have to worry about the wrong music being played because other than three or four one really danced. The band kind of played easy background music the rest of the night.


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Homework Assignment #23 Time Capsule

If I could leave five things for future would be the following:

1. All the photographs that have meaning to me
    My daughter holding my first grandchild/grandbabies/ youngest son w/girlfriend/oldest son w/girlfriend/oldest son age 3/ myself & hubby/older son..beautiful daughter's wedding & (1) ex/Seabiscuit/War Admiral Race of 1938...with the story of my father/History of hubby's father & WWII prisoner of War Story/Older son in front of Takabayashi Castle...samurai in the mix/Picture of Oba-san & grandson in Tamagawa w/stories.

2. A Stamp Collection

3. A family bible detailing back to the 1800's in South Carolina

4. All the Genealogy charts/information on family on both sides going back as of now to the 1600's.

5. Voices on tapes of both my grandmothers detailing their live...put on CD's along with all other relatives now in the future they can hear our thoughts, beliefs and goals....and well wishes to the future generation.



Colors Rise to Occasion - Pink Under Attack!

Figured HOT pink would be good....So my sister told me I tortured Barbie by giving her a haircut, perm & localized strategically placed tatoo's.....She sold pretty fast on ebay though....

People have asked for more...still working on them.....doing an OOAK (one of a kind creation) takes time....

So what do you think?   Pretty in Pink?????????

Thursday, September 9, 2004

9/11 Another Day of Infamy

We are a fast paced society.  We like to compartmentalize neatly into different areas things that occur, especially things that take us by surprise.  So I guess it's only natural that we have become a society of things pre-9/11 or after-9/11....sort of an B.C. or A.D. type of thing.

Life changed for so many people that day.  I can only use Roosevelt's thoughts and say that it was indeed a day that will live in infamy.   The evil that was done that day, I believe, will be spoken about for 1,000 years or more....if mankind survives that long.

Sure, evil has been with us since the dawn of time....but so has good.  The people that reacted swiftly in New York, like stopping the trains from going under the towers, to evacuating people as quickly as they could...the first responders going into hell beyond the call of duty - all in the name of good.  Evil danced in the streets even as people jumped to their doom.  Men of good continued to climb, trying to help, trying to save.

We have so much suffering going on in this shouldn't be the way it is.  There's no need for it to be that way. Maybe I'm crazy but I really think it all comes down to greed.  One group wants superiority over the religion, the land, the women or whatever, and that gives them a real good reason to kill.  I guess control also has a bit to do with it..most dictators are control freaks.  Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini & let's not forget Sadam...oops almost forgot Fidel...boy, we certainly don't run out of idiots do we? 

So, imagine trying to explain to a child why their Mom or Dad is gone.   It's hard for me to understand it, much less really wrap my mind around all the thoughtless deaths.

I still can't get my mind off of the children in Russia that were just slaughtered...for what?  Because of an age old hatred going back hundreds of years - my father hated your father so I'll kill you type of mentality is just so unbelieveably stupid.

I have a tape of the World Trade Center being built, from the architect's first renderings to the final walls put in was a marvelous feat of engineering. 

Seeing the city skyline - you realize that something is missing. The twins shone like a beacon for so many years that driving into the could see them even before you hit a bridge....I'm glad that they are building tall and proud in that same spot.

We need to show the world that we will not cower, we will not falter, we will not fail and that only the good shall prevail.









Wednesday, September 8, 2004


Well this is another test...I wrote a whole piece on 9/11 and it's gone...wouldn't add the entry lets see what this sucker does...

Sunday, September 5, 2004

It's 2 am - waiting for storm to pass over begone!

Type it in green in honor of all my foliage that is now all over the yard.  Trees bending, swaying...but not yet breaking and that's a good thing.  Now they are saying that Francis might turn back into a hurricane once it hits the Gulf...this is the storm that will not die.  With all this going on the news has been sketchy down here about the world...I've been trying to watch the horrible sequence of events that happened in Russia.

My heart goes out to everybody that lost a loved one.  How do you shoot a child?  What sort of evil has to possess you? To take aim at the young of your own wipe out your own future...with no thought,  no rhyme, no reason.

And I really don't care to hear that the terrorists are victims themselves..there are ways to overcome without the violence.
If all Muslims, everywhere, do not want to be painted with the same brush of evil....make a stand NOW, declare these people evil, renounce them in the name of your religion.

I honestly do not know how this type of horror can continue without it escalating to a "us and them" mentality.  These people put no value on life as it what are they fighting for?  Freedom....they wouldn't be able to kneel at freedom's door....

It seems that they just love death...oh well, thinking about it from a male's viewpoint..who wouldn't want - what is it? 75 virgins waiting on them to fullfill their every need? Yeah, that's certainly worth killing children for.  So I take it that they can't get the virgins in real life, because they are such loosers, but their  charismatic leaders can instill so much evil into these loonies that they believe beyond belief in life after - or at least one filled with plenty of sex.

I can't get the pictures of the children out of my head.  I believe in God...but oh my God..I want your wrath on these people.
My moral dilemma is that Christianity teaches us to turn the other cheek, to forgive the unforgivable.  I just feel so much hatred of what they did and why they have done it...knowing that they will not stop.   These aren't my children....but I cannot forgive or forget.


Thursday, September 2, 2004

Huff & Huff Till Your House Blows Down

Well here we go again. I can't wait for summer to be over....unfortunately hurricane season doesn't end until November.  I feel like Florida is a bowling alley and the storm is barreling down the lane, trying to knock out all the pins!

We have so many people evacuating from south Florida up towards the north that if we were a boat we will surely flip.  The news shows have shown the roads and they look like a parking lot moving slowly, ever so slowly.  Well, at least people have learned from the recent hurricane and they are leaving to protect their lives.

Here, in St. Pete, we expect to get a tremendous amount of rain, some wind but then again...this storm might have a mind of it's own.  In the past here in Florida..we've had storms cross the state, hit the very warm gulf waters, revitalize and strike the coast further up.

It's just not totally predictable. I guess we just stay glued to the TV set for the time being.  We got in a bunch of water, canned goods, candles and we just hope for the best.  I pray that the people in the direct impact path are safe or out of harm's way.